Selling concept

This concept holds that consumers will not buy enough of the organization's products unless it undertakes a large scale selling and promotion efforts.

In other words, this concepts believes that the consumers do not buy the products until they are motivated through sales promotional efforts.

The objectives of the organization is to sell what they make rather than what the market wants. 'we sell what we make'

This concept gives focus on mass selling and promotional efforts.

Marketers who believes selling concept, focus on heavy promotional efforts to attract potential customers.

The main features of selling concept

  • Emphasis on sales volume: It believes on mass selling through aggressive promotion efforts. It is sales oriented not customer oriented.
  • Promotional efforts: It gives higher priority to increase sales volume and profit rather than customer satisfaction.
  • Objectives: The main objective of this concept is to maximize profits through mass selling.
  • Disregards customers' needs: It disregards the satisfaction of customers.

Note: This concept focus on the needs of seller.Selling may be the part of marketing. Example of companies that use the selling concept are life insurance and timeshare companies.