Production concept

This is an old concept of marketing.

This concept believes that customer will prefer those products which are available at low cost.

The marketers believe on profit through production efficiency.

"Production concept is the philosophy that consumers will favour products that are available and highly affordable and that management should therefore focus of improving production and distribution efficiency." — Kotler and Armstrong

Many Nepalese companies are still working under the production concept.

The main features of production concept

  • Mass Production
  • Mass distribution
  • Low Price
  • Production efficiency: This concept gives emphasis on production efficiency. There must be skilled and qualified human resources and new advance technology to improve production efficiency.

Example: The best example of the production concept is Vivo, the Chinese smartphone brand. Their phones are available in almost every corner of the Asian market. We can walk in any phone shop in Asia and can walk out with the latest and greatest smartphone from Vivo.