Marketing Concept

Business concept of marketing are the philosophy, which provides the guidelines to the organization. These concepts are still practiced by organization in market. There are various concepts of marketing. They are as following:

  1. Production Concept
  2. Product Concept
  3. Selling Concept
  4. Modern Marketing Concept
  5. Societal Marketing Concept
  6. Holistic Concept

Marketing concept in comparative form

Concepts Focus Means End/Objectives
Production Concept Production Mass production
Low cost
Profits through production efficiency
Product Concept Product quality orientation High quality
Profits through quality products
Selling Concept Seller needs Heavy promotional efforts Profit through high sales volume
Modern Marketing Concept Customers needs Integrated marketing Profits through customer satisfaction
Social Concept Social responsibility Responsible for social and ethical issues Profits through customer and social well-being
Holistic Concept Response to changes in the current marketing environment 4Ps, 4Cs, and 4Ss Organizational profits, customer well-being, and social well-being