War and Peace (Shall there be Peace?)

Ways with words

Match the words on the left side with their meanings on the right.

Word Meaning
a. proclaim v. declare
b. unswerving iv. steady or constant
c. magnanimous i. generous or forgiving
d. trample x. crush
e. tremendous vii. huge
f. inevitable ix. unavoidable
g. dire iii. dreadful
h. anguish ii. distress
i. impending vi. upcoming
j. ruthless viii. pitiless

Fill in the blanks with the suitable word from the list given.

  1. The soldiers suffer appalling injuries during the attack.
  2. She is sanguine about prospects for the economic development of the country.
  3. Innocent people get unexpected slaughter in the war.
  4. The crowd laughed at the absurdity of the singer’s behaviour.
  5. The intellectuals should be worried about the horror and futility of war.
  6. He sensed her reluctance to continue the work.
  7. They bestir themselves at the first light of morning.


Answer these questions.

a. Why was the Italian Socialist Mergari treated like a madman?

The Italian Socialist Mergari was treated like a madman because he had spoken in favor of peace during a time when the majority of people were focused on continuing the war.

b. Can political aims be attained by the criminal instrumentality of war? If yes, how?

It is not possible for political aims to be attained through the criminal instrumentality of war because war ultimately causes more harm and destruction than it can achieve in terms of political goals.

c. Which hopes and plans were said to be mutually contradictory?

The hopes and plans of the statesmen, who believe that war can be used to achieve political goals, are mutually contradictory with the idea of peace and the resolution of conflicts through non-violent means.

d. What can be the sacred duty of every man of good will on earth?

The sacred duty of every man of good will on earth is to work towards peace and to try to prevent war.

e. Is it good to tacitly accept war as an instrument of politics? If not, what else should be done?

It is not good to tacitly accept war as an instrument of politics because it ultimately causes more harm than good and there are other, more peaceful means of resolving conflicts.

f. How can we stop war in the world?

War can be stopped in the world through education, diplomacy, and the promotion of non-violent resolution of conflicts.

g. What is the main message of this essay?

The main message of the essay is that war is a destructive and futile means of achieving political goals and that it is the duty of every person to work towards peace.

Critical thinking

Are warmongers the greatest enemies for peace? What do you want to suggest to them?

Warmongers, or those who advocate for or support the use of war as a means of achieving political goals, can be seen as enemies of peace because they promote and contribute to the continuation of conflict and violence. War often causes immense suffering and destruction, both to individuals and to entire communities, and it is often used as a means of exerting power and control over others. Instead of focusing on the use of force and coercion, it is important to address conflicts through dialogue, negotiation, and other peaceful means of resolution. This can involve finding ways to address underlying issues and grievances, as well as working to create a culture of peace and non-violent conflict resolution within communities and societies.

There are many different ways in which warmongers can be influenced and convinced to turn away from their support of war. One important approach is through education and awareness-raising, which can help individuals to understand the negative consequences of war and the importance of peaceful resolution of conflicts. This can involve learning about the history and causes of conflicts, as well as exploring alternative approaches to addressing conflicts and promoting peace. It can also involve working to build relationships and connections with others, in order to foster a sense of shared humanity and understanding.

Another important aspect of convincing warmongers to support peace is to provide alternatives and examples of successful peaceful resolution of conflicts. This can involve highlighting successful examples of peace negotiations, mediation, and other non-violent approaches to conflict resolution, and showing how these approaches can be effective in addressing complex issues and promoting lasting peace. By providing examples and demonstrating the effectiveness of peaceful approaches, it can be possible to shift the focus away from war and towards more constructive and sustainable means of resolving conflicts. Ultimately, the goal is to create a world in which the resolution of conflicts through peaceful means is seen as the norm, rather than the exception, and in which all individuals and communities are able to live in harmony and cooperation.

The Nobel Prize Winner American novelist John Steinbeck (1902-1968) once said, “All war is a symptom of man's failure as a thinking animal.” Do you agree with the novelist? Why?

I agree with the sentiment expressed by John Steinbeck that all war is a symptom of humanity's failure to think and act in a more rational and compassionate way. War is often driven by complex underlying issues and motivations, such as power struggles, competition for resources, and differences in ideology or culture. Rather than seeking to address these issues through dialogue and negotiation, war often involves the use of violence and force as a means of resolving conflicts.

There are many negative consequences of war, including loss of life, destruction of infrastructure and communities, and long-term psychological and economic impacts. War also often results in a dehumanization of the enemy, leading to acts of violence and cruelty that are deeply at odds with the basic values of compassion and respect for human life.

In many cases, war could potentially be avoided or resolved through more peaceful means, such as diplomacy, mediation, or other forms of conflict resolution. However, these approaches often require a level of open-mindedness, empathy, and willingness to compromise that is often lacking in times of conflict. In this sense, war can be seen as a symptom of humanity's failure to think and act in a more rational and compassionate way, and a reflection of our inability to find more effective and sustainable means of resolving conflicts.

Does any war end all wars and bring lasting peace to the world? Discuss.

It is unlikely that any single war will be able to end all wars and bring lasting peace to the world. War is often driven by complex underlying issues and motivations, such as power struggles, competition for resources, and differences in ideology or culture. These issues are often deeply entrenched and difficult to resolve, and they can continue to fuel conflicts even after a war has ended.

Furthermore, the destructive impact of war often creates new conflicts and grievances that can further contribute to ongoing tensions and violence. For example, the destruction of infrastructure and communities during war can lead to economic and social disruption, which can in turn create new sources of tension and conflict.

While it is possible for a war to bring about temporary or partial resolutions to certain conflicts, it is unlikely that any single war will be able to completely eliminate all sources of conflict and bring about lasting peace. Instead, it is necessary to address the underlying issues and motivations that contribute to conflict and to work towards creating a culture of peace and non-violent resolution of conflicts. This can involve efforts such as education, diplomacy, and building relationships and connections between individuals and communities. By working towards these goals, it may be possible to reduce the frequency and severity of conflicts and to create a more peaceful world.

Why do you think countries go in wars even though they have their own boundaries?

There are many complex factors that can contribute to countries going to war, even though they have their own boundaries and are sovereign nations. Some of the most common reasons for countries going to war include:

  1. Competition for resources: Countries may go to war in order to gain access to valuable resources, such as oil, minerals, or fertile land.
  2. Ideological or cultural differences: Countries may go to war in order to defend their own beliefs or values, or to try to impose these beliefs on others.
  3. Power struggles: Countries may go to war in order to assert their dominance or to protect their own interests.
  4. Territorial disputes: Countries may go to war over disputes related to territory, such as border disputes or disputes over control of certain areas.
  5. Historical or personal animosities: Countries may go to war due to longstanding grudges or personal animosities, even if these conflicts have little to do with the current situation.
  6. Domestic politics: In some cases, leaders may go to war in order to distract from domestic problems or to gain popular support.

These are just a few of the many complex factors that can contribute to countries going to war, even though they have their own boundaries and are sovereign nations. In order to prevent wars, it is important to address these underlying issues and to work towards building a culture of peace and non-violent resolution of conflicts.

Write essay in about 500 words on the War and peace.

War and Peace

War and peace are two of the most fundamental and enduring concepts in human history. War is defined as a state of armed conflict between different nations or groups within a nation, and it has been a constant feature of human society for thousands of years. Peace, on the other hand, is often seen as the absence of war and a state of calm and tranquility.

Throughout history, there have been many attempts to achieve peace and to end wars, but these efforts have often been unsuccessful. Wars have been fought for a variety of reasons, including competition for resources, ideological or cultural differences, and power struggles. The destructive impact of war is often significant, causing loss of life, destruction of infrastructure and communities, and long-term psychological and economic impacts.

Despite the negative consequences of war, it has often been seen as a necessary means of resolving conflicts and achieving certain goals. This is particularly true in cases where one party believes that it has been wronged or that its interests are being threatened. In these cases, war may be seen as the only way to defend against aggression or to protect one's own interests.

However, the use of war as a means of resolving conflicts is not without its drawbacks. In addition to the immediate costs and consequences of war, it often creates new conflicts and grievances that can further contribute to ongoing tensions and violence. The cycle of violence that results from war can be difficult to break, and it is often only through the intervention of outside parties or through the use of peaceful means of conflict resolution that this cycle can be interrupted.

There are many different approaches to achieving peace and resolving conflicts, and these approaches can vary depending on the specific context and the underlying issues that are at stake. Some of the most common approaches include diplomacy, mediation, and negotiation, which involve working to find mutually acceptable solutions to conflicts through dialogue and compromise. Other approaches include education, which can help to build understanding and empathy between different groups, and the promotion of non-violent conflict resolution, which seeks to address conflicts without the use of force or coercion.

Ultimately, achieving peace is a complex and ongoing process that requires the cooperation and efforts of individuals, communities, and nations around the world. It requires a willingness to listen to the perspectives and concerns of others, to compromise and find mutually acceptable solutions, and to work towards creating a culture of peace and non-violent conflict resolution. While achieving peace is no easy task, it is an essential goal that is worth striving for, as it can bring about significant benefits for individuals, communities, and nations around the world.

Write essay in about 500 words on the Responsive youths for peace and prosperity.

Responsive youths for peace and prosperity

Young people have always played a critical role in shaping the world in which we live, and today's youth are no exception. In many parts of the world, young people are at the forefront of efforts to promote peace and prosperity, and they are using their energy, creativity, and passion to make a positive difference in their communities and beyond.

One of the key ways that young people are working towards peace and prosperity is through activism and advocacy. Across the globe, young people are speaking out and taking action on a wide range of issues, including peace and conflict resolution, human rights, climate change, and social justice. Whether through organizing protests, campaigning for policy change, or simply raising awareness about important issues, young people are making their voices heard and working to create a more just and sustainable world.

Another way that young people are promoting peace and prosperity is through education and learning. By gaining knowledge and understanding about the world around them, young people are better equipped to make informed decisions and to contribute to the common good. This can involve pursuing formal education, such as through schools or universities, or engaging in informal learning through community service, volunteering, or other hands-on experiences.

In addition to activism and education, young people are also promoting peace and prosperity through their work and economic activity. Many young people are starting their own businesses, creating jobs and opportunities for others, and contributing to economic growth and development. This can involve everything from launching startups to working in the informal sector or supporting microenterprises. By building their own economic prosperity, young people are also helping to create a more stable and prosperous world for everyone.

Ultimately, the key to promoting peace and prosperity through the efforts of young people is to create an environment in which they are empowered and supported to make a positive impact. This can involve providing access to education and learning opportunities, supporting young people in their efforts to become involved in activism and advocacy, and helping them to build economic independence and prosperity. By investing in the talents and potential of young people, we can create a brighter and more hopeful future for everyone.


Divide the following sentences into subject, verb, object, complement, or adverbial.

Example: The man will buy a pen next week.
The man – will buy – a pen – next week.
Subject + Verb + Object + Adverbial

a. The children – are playing – now.
Subject + Verb + Adverbial

b. Srijana – will be reading – a story.
Subject + Verb + Object

c. Bimala – is – a very beautiful girl.
Subject + Verb + Complement

d. She – usually wears – glasses.
Subject + Adverb + Verb + Object

e. They – elected – him – President.
Subject + Verb + Object + Complement

f. Rabin – is laughing.
Subject + Verb

g. He – has – a big – house – in Butwal.
Subject + Verb + Complement + Object + Adverbial

h. The man – who lives next door – is – a professor.
Subject + Complement + Verb + Complement

i. Her uncle – has been living – in Kathmandu – for fifteen years.
Subject + Verb + Adverbial + Adverbial

j. The girl – with long hair – asked me – a question – last week.
Subject + Complement + Verb + Object + Adverbial