Science and Technology (Taking my Son to College)

Ways with words

Match the words with their correct definitions.

Word Definition
a. freshman iv. a first-year student at a university, college, or high school
b. naive v. having a lack of experience or knowledge
c. obliviously viii. without conscious awareness
d. brag i. say something in a boastful manner
e. disposal ii. action of throwing away something
f. dorm vii. dormitory, student residence hall or building
g. suitemate vi. someone who shares your bathroom/living room/kitchen in college
h. incalculable iii. not able to be calculated or estimated

Replace the bold words in selecting synonyms from the box.

delight, incredible, potential, unanticipated, fragmented, scrutinizing navigate, indecipherable

  1. Her story is unbelievable in the literal sense of the word. → Her story is incredible in the literal sense of the word.
  2. We often read the novels of the reputed writers in the world. → We often read the novels of the potential writers in the world.
  3. The Facebook users are scattered but connected to each other through the Internet. → The Facebook users are fragmented but connected to each other through the Internet.
  4. Sometimes unexpected events happen in our life. → Sometimes unanticipated events happen in our life.
  5. He paused, examining the faces of Anjana and Manju with his glittering eyes. → He paused, scrutinizing the faces of Anjana and Manju with his glittering eyes.
  6. I am sorry to say your handwriting is unreadable. → I am sorry to say your handwriting is indecipherable.
  7. He is matured. He can direct his own journey to make his career better. → He is matured. He can navigate his own journey to make his career better.
  8. Gita's heart swelled with pleasure, translating her confidence into power. → Gita's heart swelled with delight, translating her confidence into power.

Complete the sentences by choosing the correct word given in brackets.

  1. Does television affect children? (affect/effect)
  2. Does television have an effect on children? (affect/effect)
  3. Could you lend me your book, please? (borrow/lend)
  4. Can I borrow your pen? (borrow/lend)
  5. Prices seem to rise every year. (raise/rise)
  6. You can raise your hand if you want to ask a question. (raise/rise)
  7. What did he say to you? (say/tell)
  8. I can't speak Hindi. (speak/talk)
  9. I will talk to you on the phone. (speak/talk)
  10. I think that's a very sensible idea. (sensible/sensitive)
  11. My teeth are very sensitive to cold. (sensible/sensitive)
  12. Our principal is a popular person. (principal/principle)
  13. I couldn't understand the principle of gravity. (principal/principle)
  14. All friends, expect Nabina, came to the party. (accept/except)
  15. Will you accept my request? (accept/except)
  16. They were making too much noise. (noise/sound)
  17. All she could hear was the sound of the waves. (noise/sound)
  18. Did you give him any advice for his career? (advice/advise)
  19. My parents advise me to be a teacher. (advice/advise)


Answer these questions.

a. Why did the author feel that she was lucky to be so naïve of her freshman year at college?

The author felt that she was lucky to be so naïve of her freshman year at college because she did not know what she did not know and was obliviously unaware of the social currencies being exchanged around her.

b. Why did she say that she went to college in the Stone Age?

She said that she went to college in the Stone Age because she did not have access to the same technological tools that her son has at his disposal.

c. What kinds of technological tools can Hayden use at his college life unlike at his mother’s time?

Hayden can use Yale-specific apps on his phone, social media, teacher rating sites, and videos on YouTube to prepare for college.

d. How has the internet and social sites affected the lifestyle of the youths?

The internet and social sites have affected the lifestyle of the youths by providing them with access to more information and allowing them to connect with each other more easily.

e. What things about college life will Hayden really miss unlike his mother?

Hayden will miss out on making new friends through chance encounters and will not have to type and retype his papers to make revisions, which the author believes allowed her to find new insights into her writing.

f. The writer says, "I worry that students today are more connected and more fragmented". Isn't this paradoxical? How?

The statement "I worry that students today are more connected and more fragmented" is paradoxical because being more connected should result in students feeling less fragmented, but the author is expressing concern that this is not the case.

Critical thinking

Do you think that advancements of technology can hinder the exposure students receive in school, and block them from gaining some of life’s most memorable moments? Give reasons in support of your answer.

It is possible that advancements in technology can hinder the exposure students receive in school and block them from gaining some of life's most memorable moments. Here are some reasons why this may be the case:

  1. Dependence on technology: As students become more reliant on technology for their education, they may miss out on face-to-face interactions and hands-on experiences that are essential for learning and personal growth. For example, rather than participating in a lab experiment or field trip, students may be asked to watch a video or complete a virtual simulation. While these resources can be useful, they cannot fully replace the value of firsthand experiences.
  2. Lack of social skills: Technology can also hinder the development of social skills, as students may rely more on digital communication rather than face-to-face interactions. This can prevent them from learning how to communicate effectively, problem-solve, and work in teams, which are important skills in both personal and professional settings.
  3. Reduced physical activity: With the rise of online classes and virtual resources, students may spend more time sitting in front of a screen rather than engaging in physical activities. This can lead to a sedentary lifestyle, which can have negative effects on their physical and mental health.
  4. Decreased creativity: With access to so much information at their fingertips, students may be less inclined to think critically and creatively. They may rely on technology to do their work for them rather than using their own initiative and problem-solving skills.

Overall, while technology has many benefits and can certainly be a valuable tool for education, it is important to consider the potential drawbacks. Excessive reliance on technology can hinder students' exposure to diverse experiences, skills, and ways of thinking, and prevent them from gaining some of life's most memorable moments. It is essential to strike a balance between using technology as a resource and allowing students to have hands-on, real-life experiences that can help them grow and develop.

Kline’s essay focuses on the contrast between her son’s freshman college experience and her own, but she also establishes what they have in common. Explain.

In Kline's essay, she establishes that she and her son have the following things in common:

  1. Both attended the same university: Kline attended Yale as a freshman three decades ago, and her son has just started college at the same university.
  2. Both experienced the first days of college: Kline and her son both experienced the first days of college, including moving into their dorms and carrying essentials like sheets, clip-on lights, and extension cords.
  3. Both faced challenges and gained new insights: Kline faced challenges such as being unaware of social currencies and having to type and retype her papers to make revisions, while her son has access to technology that helps him prepare for college. However, Kline believes that the challenges she faced allowed her to gain new insights into her writing, and it is possible that her son will also gain new insights and experiences as he navigates college life.
  4. Both are connected to their peers: Kline and her son both have connections to their peers, although the nature of these connections is different. Kline made friends through chance encounters and shared experiences, while her son has access to social media and other digital tools that allow him to connect with his suitemates before even arriving on campus.

Has internet aided to broadening or narrowing the critical thinking capacity of youths or readers? How?

It is likely that the internet has both aided in broadening and narrowing the critical thinking capacity of youths and readers, depending on how it is used. On the one hand, the internet provides access to a vast amount of information and resources that can help to broaden and enrich critical thinking skills. For example, students can use the internet to research and analyze various sources, compare and contrast different viewpoints, and engage in discussions and debates with others.

However, it is also important to recognize that the internet can contribute to a narrowing of critical thinking skills if individuals rely too heavily on it and do not engage in critical analysis and evaluation of the information they find online. In addition, the internet can be a breeding ground for misinformation, propaganda, and other forms of biased or misleading content, which can distort critical thinking and lead to shallow or narrow-minded thinking.

Overall, it is important for individuals to be mindful of their internet usage and to cultivate critical thinking skills through a variety of sources and experiences, including both online and offline sources.


Fill in the gaps with suitable articles where necessary.

  1. Is he working as a university professor?
  2. My younger sister watches a television a lot.
  3. A: What did you get for your birthday?
    B: I got a lot of good presents.
  4. I'm going to the Dominican Republic for my winter vacation.
  5. I have to go to the bank today to deposit some money.
  6. Durga was injured in the accident and was taken to the nearest hospital.
  7. Every parent should visit the school to meet the teachers.
  8. Who is the woman in this photograph?
  9. There is a piano in the corner of the room.
  10. A: Do you think he is lying?
    B: No, he's the kind of a guy that always tells the truth.

Put a/an or the in the spaces.


Bob Collins has recently become a minister in the new government, being appointed Minister for Industry. Mr. Collins has had a varied career. He was a professional footballer in the 1960s, some people considering him to be the most skillful player of his generation. After a serious injury, he became the manager of the oldest pub in Edinburgh. Five years later, he was offered the position of an executive director of Arcon, one of the biggest supermarket chains in the country. He became a Member of Parliament in 1990.