History and Culture (Qin Dynasty)

Ways with words

A. Match the words with their meaning

Word Meaning
a. brevity v. lasting only for a short time
b. conquest vii. victory over a place or people by use of military force
c. resemblance i. the state of being alike
d. barbarian ii. a member of an uncivilized group of people or culture
e. ally x. one state united to another by a treaty or a league for a military purpose
f. nobility iii. state of being noble in character, quality, or rank
g. ruthlessness ix. character of having no pity or compassion
h. decimation viii. the killing or destruction of a large number of a population
i. harsh vi. cruel
j. elixir iv. liquid that is believed to cure all ills

B. Find the following words in the text and use them in sentences of your own: invasion disregard paramount populace revolt assassination serfdom

  • invasion: Stadium was invaded by the barbarians.
  • disregard: The government disregarded the people's wishes.
  • paramount: The king was the paramount ruler of the country.
  • populace: The populace was very angry with the government.
  • revolt: The peasants revolted against the king.
  • assassination: The king was assassinated by his own son.
  • serfdom: The peasants were in serfdom to the king.

C. Consult a dictionary and prepare a list of ten homographs.

list of ten different homographs in table format is given below:

Homograph Meaning
a. bear v. to carry or support
b. bear vi. to put up with
c. bear vii. to have or hold


A. Complete the table with the correct information from the text.

Period Date
Qin Dynasty Period 221-206 BCE
Zhou Dynasty Period 1046-256 BCE
Warring States Period 426-221 BCE
Unification of China by Qin 221 BCE
First Emperor of Qin Dynasty Qi Shi Huangdi
Death of Shi Huangdi 210 BCE
Liu Bang Period 247 BCE to 195 BCE

B. Answer these questions.

a. Why is the Zhou Age called a feudal age?

The Zhou Age is called a feudal age because the Zhou government bore a strong resemblance to forms of feudalism in medieval Europe, in which a network of city-states loyal to a central ruler controlled surrounding farming villages.

b. What is the location advantage of the Qin?

The location advantage of the Qin was that its territory in modern Shaanxi Province was well guarded by mountains and gorges to the east and had easy access to the North China plain through the Yellow River passes.

c. What contributed to the success in the warfare as described in the text?

The success of the Qin in warfare during the Warring States Period was due to a combination of factors, including the favourable location of their territory, the size of their army, their expert use of chariots, and their ruthless tactics in battle.

d. Why did the Qin invite the foreign advisor, Shang Yang?

The Qin invited the foreign advisor Shang Yang to help implement reforms that would strengthen the state and increase its power.

e. What were the key features of the Qin political system?

The key features of the Qin political system were centralization of power and administration, standardization of laws, currency, and writing, and the use of Legalism as the state ideology.

f. How were the people treated during the Qin Period?

During the Qin Period, the people were treated harshly and were subjected to strict laws and severe punishment.

g. Why did Shi Huangdi stop educating ordinary people?

Shi Huangdi stopped educating ordinary people because he believed that education could be used to spread discontent and rebellion.

h. What did the Qin achieve by the legalism in practice?

The Qin achieved a strong and centralized state by implementing Legalism in practice, which emphasized strict laws, strict punishment, and the use of state power to maintain order and control over the population.

i. Why did Shi Huangdi never sleep in the same room for two consecutive nights?

Shi Huangdi never slept in the same room for two consecutive nights because he was afraid of assassination.

j. What are the everlasting marks of the Qin Dynasty?

The everlasting marks of the Qin Dynasty include the construction of the Great Wall of China, the standardization of laws, currency, and writing, and the lasting influence of Legalism on Chinese political thought.

Critical thinking

A. The Great Wall and the Taj Mahal are the creation of the autocratic rulers. Present your view for or against this statement.

It is true that the Great Wall of China and the Taj Mahal were both constructed during the reigns of autocratic rulers, but it is not accurate to say that these structures are solely the creations of these rulers.

The Great Wall of China was built and maintained over several centuries by various Chinese dynasties, with the earliest sections dating back to the 7th century BCE. The Qin Dynasty (221-206 BCE) is particularly well known for their extensive construction of the Great Wall, which was intended to protect the Chinese empire from barbarian invasions. However, the wall was continually expanded and renovated by subsequent dynasties, including the Han (206 BCE-220 CE), the Ming (1368-1644), and the Qing (1644-1912). The Great Wall is a testament to the collective efforts of many Chinese rulers and the people who worked on its construction and maintenance.

Similarly, the Taj Mahal was not solely the creation of a single autocratic ruler. The Taj Mahal was commissioned by the Mughal Emperor Shah Jahan in memory of his wife, Mumtaz Mahal, who died in childbirth in 1631. However, the Taj Mahal was designed and constructed by a team of architects, engineers, and craftsmen from India and Europe, and it took over 20 years to complete. The Taj Mahal is a testament to the skills and efforts of these artisans and the vision of Shah Jahan, rather than being solely the creation of a single autocratic ruler.

In conclusion, while it is true that the Great Wall of China and the Taj Mahal were constructed during the reigns of autocratic rulers, they were also the result of the collective efforts of many people and should not be credited solely to these rulers.

B. How do you describe the pros and cons of feudalism?

Feudalism was a social, political, and economic system that dominated medieval Europe between the 9th and 15th centuries. It was characterized by a hierarchical society in which the nobility held land from the crown in exchange for military service, and the peasants (or serfs) were bound to the land and owed labor services to the nobles.

Pros of feudalism:

  • Feudalism provided a way to defend against external threats, such as invasions by barbarian tribes or other nations. The system of feudal obligations, in which the nobility provided military service to the crown in exchange for the use of land, helped to organize and mobilize armies for defense.
  • Feudalism provided a sense of security and stability for the nobility, who were protected by the legal and social obligations of the system.
  • Feudalism provided a means of economic production, as the serfs were able to work the land and provide food and other resources for the nobility and the rest of the population.

Cons of feudalism:

  • Feudalism was a highly hierarchical and class-based system that led to significant inequality and exploitation. The nobility enjoyed privileges and rights that were not available to the lower classes, and the serfs were effectively bound to the land and had few rights or freedoms.
  • Feudalism was a highly decentralized system that often led to conflict and competition between different feudal lords, which could result in wars and other forms of violence.
  • Feudalism was inefficient and limited economic development, as the focus was on production for local consumption rather than trade and commerce. This made it difficult for societies to progress and innovate.
  • Feudalism was ultimately unsustainable, as the system of obligations and loyalties became increasingly strained over time and eventually broke down, leading to the end of the feudal period and the emergence of more centralized states in Europe.

A. Write an email to your friend living abroad stating the contributions of Prithvi Narayan Shah in the unification of Nepal.

To: santosh@gmail.com
From: nebkoguide@gmail.com
Subject: Contributions of Prithvi Narayan Shah in the unification of Nepal

Dear Santosh,

I hope this email finds you well and that you are enjoying your time abroad. I wanted to reach out to you to talk about the contributions of Prithvi Narayan Shah in the unification of Nepal. As you may know, Prithvi Narayan Shah was the king of the small kingdom of Gorkha in the 18th century, and he is credited with bringing together the various small kingdoms in Nepal into a single unified state.

Prithvi Narayan Shah was a skilled military strategist and was able to expand the territory of Gorkha through a series of successful military campaigns against other small kingdoms in the region. He also formed strategic alliances with other rulers in order to strengthen his position and expand his influence.

In addition to his military successes, Prithvi Narayan Shah implemented a number of administrative and bureaucratic reforms that helped to centralize power and bring greater stability to the Nepalese state. He also introduced a new legal system and established a national currency, which helped to facilitate trade and commerce within Nepal.

The contributions of Prithvi Narayan Shah to the unification of Nepal have had a lasting impact on the country's history and culture. He is remembered as a national hero and his legacy is celebrated in Nepal to this day.

I hope this information is useful to you and that you have a better understanding of Prithvi Narayan Shah's contributions to the unification of Nepal. If you have any further questions, please don't hesitate to ask.

Best regards,
NEB Ko Guide.

B. The table shows the major political movements in Nepal after the end of the Rana Regime. Write a paragraph of each event with their key contributions in the political landscape of Nepal.

S.N. Political Movement Year (AD)
1 Establishment of Democracy 1951
2 First General Election 1959
3 Dismissal of Elected Government 1960
4 National Referendum 1980
5 People's Movement I 1990
6 People's Movement II 2006
  1. The Establishment of Democracy in 1951 marked the end of the Rana Regime, a period of autocratic rule in Nepal that lasted for over a century. This event marked the beginning of a new era in Nepal's political history, as the country transitioned from an absolute monarchy to a democratic system of government. The key contribution of this event was the introduction of a system of representative government and the establishment of fundamental rights for Nepali citizens.
  2. The First General Election held in 1959 was an important milestone in Nepal's democratic development. This election marked the first time that Nepalis were able to vote for their representatives and participate in the political process. The key contribution of this event was the establishment of a multiparty democracy and the expansion of political participation for all Nepali citizens.
  3. The Dismissal of the Elected Government in 1960 was a significant event in Nepal's political history, as it marked the first time that an elected government was removed from power. This event was triggered by political instability and factionalism within the ruling party, and it led to a period of authoritarian rule in Nepal. The key contribution of this event was the erosion of confidence in the democratic system and the emergence of authoritarian rule.
  4. The National Referendum held in 1980 was an important event in Nepal's political history, as it marked the first time that the Nepali people were asked to directly vote on a political issue. The key contribution of this event was the introduction of a new constitution and the establishment of a constitutional monarchy in Nepal.
  5. The People's Movement I in 1990 marked a significant turning point in Nepal's political history, as it resulted in the restoration of democracy and the end of authoritarian rule. The key contribution of this event was the establishment of a more representative and inclusive political system in Nepal.
  6. The People's Movement II in 2006 was another significant event in Nepal's political history, as it resulted in the abolition of the monarchy and the establishment of a federal democratic republic. The key contribution of this event was the transformation of Nepal's political system and the establishment of a new form of government that was more responsive to the needs and demands of the Nepali people.

A. Read this paragraph and classify regular and irregular verbs in the bold face.

About 771 BCE, a barbarian invasion drove the Zhou rulers eastwards. During this time, the state of Qin became responsible for guarding the western frontier and they gradually moved eastward and eventually occupied the original Zhou domains. Thus, the Qin became a close ally of the Zhou and they also had marriage relations with the Zhou ruling class. King Ping of Zhou (r. 770-720 BCE) transferred titles of the nobility and huge estates to the chief of Qin.

  • drove = regular verb
  • became = irregular verb
  • moved = regular verb
  • occupied = regular verb
  • became = irregular verb
  • had = irregular verb
  • transferred = regular verb

B. Complete the texts below using the correct past forms of the verbs from the bracket.

  1. The Maya established a very advanced civilisation in the jungles of the Yucatan. However, their culture …………… (disappear) by the time Europeans first …………… (arrive) in the New World.
  2. When I ………(turn) on the radio yesterday, I ……….(hear) a song that was popular when I ……(be) at the basic level of my study. It ……….. (take) me back to some old memories.
  3. I was looking for a job. I……… (apply) for a job last week. Fortunately, I…… (get) it and now I am a job holder.


  1. The Maya established a very advanced civilisation in the jungles of the Yucatan. However, their culture disappeared by the time Europeans first arrived in the New World.
  2. When I turned on the radio yesterday, I heard a song that was popular when I was at the basic level of my study. It took me back to some old memories.
  3. I was looking for a job. I applied for a job last week. Fortunately, I got it and now I am a job holder.

C. Choose the correct words from the list and complete the sentences with the correct verb form.

teach, write, see, get, up, throw, cost

  1. Newton saw an apple falling from the tree.
  2. Ramesh Bikal wrote many popular stories.
  3. My jacket is expensiv1. It cost me Rs 5000.
  4. She got up early in the morning yesterday.
  5. When I was small, my father taught me at home.
  6. Why did you throw the cap away?

D. Put the verb into the correct form and complete the sentences.

  1. I went to see the film, but I ..... it. (not/enjoy)
  2. I ..... Rojina in town in a few days ago. (meet)
  3. It was very warm, so I ..... my coat. (take off)
  4. Though the bed was very comfortable, I ..... very well. (not/sleep)
  5. I ..... new job last week. (start)
  6. He ..... too busy in the office yesterday. (be)
  7. Nita ..... her to the party, but she didn’t come. (invite)


  1. I went to see the film, but I didn't enjoy it.
  2. I met Rojina in town a few days ago.
  3. It was very warm, so I took off my coat.
  4. Though the bed was very comfortable, I didn't sleep very well.
  5. I started a new job last week.
  6. He was too busy in the office yesterday.
  7. Nita invited her to the party, but she didn't come.