Arts and Creation (Why Is the Renaissance Important?)

Ways with words

What do the following idioms mean? Use them in sensible sentences.

a hot potato, once in a blue moon, a bed of roses, when pigs fly, miss the boat, zip your lip, fight tooth and nail, when life gives you lemon, goose egg

  1. "A hot potato" refers to a situation or problem that is difficult or controversial and that people do not want to deal with. Example: "The issue of immigration reform has become a hot potato for politicians, as it is a sensitive topic that is difficult to address."
  2. "Once in a blue moon" means very rarely. Example: "I don't get to see my old college friends very often, only about once in a blue moon."
  3. "A bed of roses" refers to a situation that is easy or pleasant. Example: "Being a movie star might seem like a bed of roses, but it's actually a lot of hard work and long hours."
  4. "When pigs fly" is an idiom used to describe something that is never going to happen. Example: "I'll believe it when pigs fly. There's no way that he's going to finish that project on time."
  5. "Miss the boat" means to miss an opportunity or a chance. Example: "I'm afraid we've missed the boat on that deal. It's already been signed by another company."
  6. "Zip your lip" means to be quiet or to stop talking. Example: "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to interrupt. I'll zip my lip and let you finish your presentation."
  7. "Fight tooth and nail" means to struggle fiercely or to do everything possible to achieve a goal. Example: "I'm going to fight tooth and nail to get that promotion. I deserve it and I'm not going to let anyone stand in my way."
  8. "When life gives you lemon" is an idiom that means when you are faced with difficult or unpleasant circumstances. It is often used to encourage someone to find a positive solution or to make the best of a bad situation. Example: "I know you're feeling down about losing your job, but remember, when life gives you lemon, make lemonade. This is an opportunity to find something even better."
  9. "Goose egg" refers to the number zero. Example: "The team scored a goose egg in the first quarter, but they managed to come back and win the game in the second half."

Match the following phrasal verbs with their meanings.

Phrasal verb Meaning
a. break down xi. to stop functioning (vehicle, machine)
b. check out ix. to leave a hotel
c. fed up vii. tired of something or someone
d. fill out xii. to complete a form
e. get away x. to escape
f. give away viii. to give something to someone for free
g. give up iii. to quit a habit
h. look forward to vi. to wait anxiously for something or an event
i. make up ii. to invent a story or lie
j. pass away v. to die
k. put out i. to extinguish (fire)
l. take off iv. to remove clothes or shoes from the body, to depart as in airplane


Answer these questions.

a. What does the word Renaissance mean? Which language is it derived from?

The word Renaissance means "rebirth" in French. It is derived from the French language.

b. What did the Greek scholars do in their new locations after leaving the Greek city?

After leaving the Greek city, the Greek scholars settled in other parts of Europe and taught Greek and shared their books.

c. How did 'new learning' teach people to think in different ways?

The "new learning" of the Renaissance encouraged people to think critically and question their beliefs and ways of thinking. It also encouraged people to be curious and seek knowledge in a wide range of subjects.

d. Describe the artistic developments of Renaissance in brief.

During the Renaissance, there were significant developments in the arts, including painting, sculpture, architecture, music, and literature. These artistic developments were characterized by a renewed interest in classical Greek and Roman art and a focus on realism and individual expression.

e. Name the three Renaissance scientists who made great discoveries?

Some famous Renaissance scientists who made great discoveries include Galileo Galilei, who made important contributions to the fields of physics and astronomy; Francis Bacon, who developed the scientific method; and Nicolaus Copernicus, who proposed the heliocentric model of the solar system.

f. Who developed the printing press? Which country was he from?

The printing press was developed by Johannes Gutenberg, who was from Germany.

g. Why is the development of the printing press considered as one of the gifts of Renaissance?

The development of the printing press is considered one of the gifts of the Renaissance because it allowed for the mass production of books, making knowledge more widely available to people. This helped to stimulate the spread of new ideas and learning during the Renaissance.

h. Name the five famous explorers of the Renaissance?

  1. Christopher Columbus: Columbus completed four voyages across the Atlantic Ocean and explored the Americas, leading to the widespread European colonization of the Americas.
  2. Vasco da Gama: Da Gama led the first European voyage to India, opening up a new sea route from Europe to the East.
  3. Ferdinand Magellan: Magellan led the first expedition to circumnavigate the world, proving that the Earth was a sphere.
  4. Francis Drake: Drake was an English explorer who completed a circumnavigation of the world and also made significant contributions to the English naval efforts during the Anglo-Spanish War.
  5. Giovanni da Verrazzano: Verrazzano was an Italian explorer who explored the East Coast of North America and the Caribbean on behalf of the French crown.

i. Why do some people think of the Renaissance as the beginning of modern history?

Some people think of the Renaissance as the beginning of modern history because it marked a significant shift in the way people thought and approached knowledge and learning. The Renaissance encouraged a focus on individualism and the questioning of traditional beliefs, which laid the foundation for the development of modern society.

What do you infer from the reading? Tick (√) the best answer.

  1. Before the Renaissance…
    1. middle-class people did a lot of reading.
    2. education was limited to scholars and privileged people. (√)
    3. people wanted to change their lives but couldn't.
    4. people were eager to learn new things.
  2. Which statement is true?
    1. The Greeks had a strong influence on Renaissance thinking. (√)
    2. France was the birthplace of the Renaissance.
    3. Turkish scholars spread their knowledge throughout Europe.
    4. German philosophers were responsible for starting the Renaissance.
  3. What did the Renaissance do?
    1. It helped leaders maintain control over the middle class.
    2. It discouraged people to go against traditional beliefs.
    3. It caused people to make changes in their lives. (√)
    4. It influenced people to fight against each other.
  4. What were the major causes of the Renaissance?
    1. changes in government
    2. explorations of new lands
    3. new artists and writers who created great works
    4. printing, reading and learning (√)

Critical thinking

Do you agree with Machiavelli's view that a good leader can do bad and dishonest things in order to preserve his power and protect his government? Explain.

I do not agree with Machiavelli's view that a good leader should be willing to act in bad or dishonest ways in order to preserve their power and protect their government.

One reason I do not agree with this idea is that a leader who consistently acts in dishonest or immoral ways will ultimately lose the trust and respect of the people they serve. Trust and respect are important foundations of effective leadership, and a leader who lacks these qualities may struggle to gain support and cooperation from their constituents.

Another reason is that acting in bad or dishonest ways is generally considered unethical, and leaders have a responsibility to act with integrity and moral principle. This includes being honest and transparent in their decision-making and actions, even if it means facing challenges or risks.

Additionally, some people believe that acting in bad or dishonest ways may ultimately undermine the long-term stability and security of a government. A leader who is willing to act in such ways may create a culture of distrust and instability within the government, which can have negative consequences for the people they serve.

In conclusion, while Machiavelli's ideas about leadership may have been influential in the past, I believe that a good leader should act with integrity and moral principle and should not be willing to act in bad or dishonest ways in order to preserve their power and protect their government.

Do you think that art and literature are important assets of a country? Give reasons.

Yes, I believe that art and literature are important assets of a country. There are several reasons why art and literature can be considered important assets:

  • Cultural expression and identity: Art and literature allow a country to express and preserve its cultural identity and values. They can serve as a means of storytelling and sharing the experiences and perspectives of different groups within a society.
  • Economic value: Art and literature can contribute to a country's economy by generating income through sales and tourism. Museums, galleries, and literary festivals can attract visitors and boost local economies.
  • Education and enlightenment: Art and literature can educate and enlighten people about different cultures and perspectives. They can broaden people's understanding of the world and encourage critical thinking and creativity.
  • Social and emotional well-being: Art and literature can bring people together and provide a sense of community and social connection. They can also be therapeutic and contribute to emotional well-being, providing a source of comfort and inspiration for people during difficult times.
  • Cultural diplomacy: Art and literature can also play a role in cultural diplomacy, fostering understanding and cooperation between countries and promoting cross-cultural exchange. By sharing their art and literature with other countries, a country can showcase its cultural richness and diversity to the world.

Overall, art and literature are important assets of a country for many reasons. They can express and preserve cultural identity, generate economic value, provide educational and enlightenment opportunities, promote social and emotional well-being, and contribute to cultural diplomacy. As such, they play a significant role in the cultural, economic, and social life of a country and should be valued and supported.


Write an essay on "Literature is the reflection of society."

Literature is the reflection of society.

Literature is often seen as a reflection of society, as it reflects the values, beliefs, and experiences of the people who live within it. Through literature, we can gain insight into the thoughts and feelings of others and learn about the culture and history of different societies.

One way in which literature reflects society is through the themes and issues that it addresses. Many writers use their works to explore and critique the social, political, and cultural issues of their time. For example, Jane Austen's novels offer a commentary on the social expectations and roles of women in early 19th-century England, while George Orwell's 1984 reflects on the dangers of totalitarianism and the loss of individual freedom.

In addition to addressing specific issues, literature can also reflect the values and beliefs of a society. For instance, the works of William Shakespeare are imbued with the values of Elizabethan England, including the importance of honor and loyalty, and the tensions between public and private life.

Furthermore, literature can serve as a record of the experiences and perspectives of different groups within society. This can be seen in the works of marginalized voices, such as Maya Angelou's I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings, which tells the story of the author's experiences growing up as a black woman in the United States.

In conclusion, literature is an important reflection of society, as it reflects the values, beliefs, and experiences of the people who live within it. Through literature, we can gain insight into the thoughts and feelings of others, and learn about the culture and history of different societies.

It is said that today’s reader is tomorrow’s leader. Do you agree with this statement? Explain.

I agree with the statement that today's reader is tomorrow's leader. Reading and acquiring knowledge are essential for effective leadership, as they provide individuals with the skills and understanding necessary to guide and inspire others.

Reading can help individuals develop critical thinking skills, which are essential for making informed decisions and solving problems. It can also expose individuals to new ideas and perspectives, which can broaden their understanding of the world and help them to be more open-minded and adaptable leaders.

Additionally, reading can improve communication skills, as it helps individuals to better articulate their thoughts and ideas. Strong communication skills are essential for effective leadership, as they enable leaders to clearly convey their vision and goals to others.

Reading is an important foundation for leadership, and it is essential for individuals who aspire to be leaders to make a habit of reading and continuing to learn and grow. By developing these skills and knowledge through reading, today's readers can position themselves to become effective and inspiring leaders in the future.

Write a short biography of a national literary, artistic or historical figure you appreciate most.

B. P. Koirala

One Nepali literary figure that I appreciate greatly is B. P. Koirala, who was a writer, political leader, and the first democratically elected Prime Minister of Nepal.

Born in 1914 in the eastern district of Jhapa, Koirala grew up in a family of political activists and was involved in Nepal's independence movement from a young age. He was imprisoned multiple times for his political activities, and spent many years in exile in India.

In addition to his political career, Koirala was also a talented writer and is considered one of Nepal's most influential writers. He wrote several novels, plays, and collections of short stories, many of which explore themes of social justice, political reform, and individual freedom. His most famous work is the novel Madhav, which tells the story of a young man's journey to enlightenment through his experiences with love and loss.

Koirala was also a key figure in Nepal's transition to democracy, and played a central role in drafting the country's first democratic constitution in 1990. He served as Prime Minister from 1991 to 1994, and is remembered for his efforts to improve the country's economy and promote social justice.

Overall, B. P. Koirala was a remarkable figure who made significant contributions to Nepali literature and politics, and his work continues to inspire and influence people around the world.

Complete the following sentences with correct relative pronouns and write whether the clauses are defining or non-defining.

  1. That's the house where I was born.
  2. My aunt Nita, who is a journalist, is coming to visit next week.
  3. People who like outdoor activities will love our holidays.
  4. The early 1960s, when the Beatles first started, was a very exciting time in pop culture.
  5. My essay on Shakespeare, which I found quite difficult, got a really good mark in the end.
  6. The Mayans, who lived in Central America, built many stunning temples.
  7. That's the girl whose brother is in your class.
  8. The snake that was in the garden last week belongs to our next-door neighbor.

Join the following pairs of sentences with appropriate relative clause.

  1. He is a musician. His albums have sold millions.
    He is a musician whose albums have sold millions.
  2. Amelia speaks English and Chines fluently. She is from Shanghai.
    Amelia, who is from Shanghai, speaks English and Chinese fluently.
  3. That's the stadium. Real Madrid plays there.
    That's the stadium where Real Madrid plays.
  4. Dublin is my favourite city. It is the capital of Ireland.
    Dublin, which is the capital of Ireland, is my favourite city.
  5. The person was really helpful. They spoke to him.
    The person, who they spoke to, was really helpful.
  6. This smartphone takes great photos. I bought it last week.
    This smartphone, which I bought last week, takes great photos.