Immigration and Identity (Identity Crisis in Immigrants)

Ways with words

Find the meanings of the following words in a dictionary as they are used in the text.

  1. melancholy: a feeling of sadness or hopelessness
  2. elusive: difficult to find, catch, or achieve
  3. motif: a recurrent theme, image, or idea in a work of art or literature
  4. disdain: a feeling of contempt or disapproval for someone or something regarded as unworthy or inferior
  5. fabricate: to make or create something, especially by altering the truth or using deceptive methods
  6. intoxicate: to affect or excite someone with a substance, especially alcohol, to the point where they lose control of their faculties
  7. resentment: a feeling of anger or bitterness about being treated unfairly or disrespectfully

Choose the right word to fill in the blanks.

  1. Can you bury the box in the back garden? (bury/berry)
  2. Alex could not break the branch off the tree. (break/brake)
  3. Whose pencil is on the floor? (Who's/Whose)
  4. We have got very few (phew/few) tasks left.
  5. Some tribes worship their gods before they prey. (prey/pray)
  6. Damn it. Everything is messed up.(Dam /Damn)
  7. What a wonderful lesson the professor presented. (lesson/lessen)


Answer these questions

1. How is Willie Chandran different from the rest of his family?

Willie Chandran is different from the rest of his family because he was born to a father of a high caste who chose to marry a woman of a lower caste as a "lasting kind of sacrifice."

1. Who is the main character of Half A Life? How is he described?

The main character of Half A Life is Willie Chandran. He is described as a man who has no proper place in the world and is trying to find such a place in the first half of his life.

1. Why does Willie leave India?

Willie leaves India because he is bitter and unhappy there, loving his mother but despising his father. He gets a scholarship to a second-rate college in London and flees there.

1. What is the revelation that Willie begin to feel in college and in London?

The revelation that Willie begins to feel in college and in London is that the British had treated his father with condescension and indifference, and this gradually turns into empathy for his father.

1. Why does Willie accompany Ana?

Willie accompanies Ana because he is in love with her.

1. What is the central issue Naipal has raised in the novel?

The central issue Naipaul has raised in the novel is the question of identity and cultural and racial belonging, as exemplified by the character of Willie Chandran, who is searching for his proper place in the world.

Critical thinking

What kind of divided identity is depicted int he novel Half A Life? How do characters in the novel try to create new identities for themselves? Explain.

The novel Half A Life depicts a divided identity in the character of Willie Chandran, who is of mixed Indian and African heritage. Willie is described as a man who has no proper place in the world and is trying to find his place in the first half of his life. This sense of divided identity is further complicated by the fact that Willie's father was a man of high caste who chose to marry a woman of a lower caste as a "lasting kind of sacrifice," and Willie's mother was a woman of a backward caste.

Throughout the novel, Willie tries to create a new identity for himself as he moves from India to London to an African nation. In London, Willie begins to understand that the old rules of India no longer bind him and that he has the freedom to shape his own identity. However, he still struggles with his sense of belonging and his place in the world.

Other characters in the novel also try to create new identities for themselves. Willie's lover, Ana, is described as being part Portuguese and part African, and she tries to forge a new identity for herself as a result of her mixed heritage. Similarly, the "big light-eyed man" who Willie encounters at the rough restaurant on the African coast is described as having an African mother and an important Portuguese landowner for a father, and he is trying to create a new identity for himself as an illegitimate mulatto.

Discuss the similarities between the author and the protagonist in the novel?

There are some possible similarities between the author, V.S. Naipaul, and the protagonist, Willie Chandran, in the novel Half A Life. Both Naipaul and Willie are of mixed heritage and have a divided identity. Naipaul was born in Trinidad and Tobago to Indian parents, and his novels often explore themes of cultural and racial identity. Similarly, Willie is of mixed Indian and African heritage and grapples with his sense of belonging and place in the world. Both Naipaul and Willie also have a connection to India, as Naipaul was born to Indian parents and Willie was born in India.

Additionally, both Naipaul and Willie have experienced displacement and the search for a sense of home. Naipaul left Trinidad and Tobago to study in England and has lived and traveled extensively, while Willie leaves India for London and eventually ends up in an African nation. Both Naipaul and Willie also explore the theme of self-discovery and the search for meaning in their lives.


Write a review of a book/film you have recently read or watched.

Book Review: The Alchemist

I recently read the book "The Alchemist" by Paulo Coelho. The book, published in 1988, is a fiction novel that tells the story of Santiago, a shepherd boy who embarks on a journey to find his personal legend.

The author, Paulo Coelho, is a well-known Brazilian writer and has written numerous books that have been translated into many languages. "The Alchemist" is one of his most popular books and has sold over 150 million copies worldwide.

The story follows Santiago as he travels from Spain to Egypt in search of a treasure. Along the way, he meets various people who help him understand the importance of following one's dreams and listening to their hearts. The book also explores themes of love, spirituality, and the power of the universe.

I was thoroughly impressed with Coelho's writing style in "The Alchemist." The prose is simple yet powerful, and the story is captivating and thought-provoking. The message of the book is universal and relatable, and it left me with a feeling of hope and inspiration.

Overall, I highly recommend "The Alchemist" to anyone who enjoys fiction with a deep philosophical message. It is a quick read but has a lasting impact and is a great reminder to never stop pursuing one's dreams.


Change the following into indirect speech.

  1. She said, "While I was having dinner, the phone rang." → She said that while she was having dinner, the phone rang.
  2. My friend said, "Where are they staying?" → My friend asked where they were staying.
  3. Jamila said, "I travel a lot in my job." → Jamila said that she travelled a lot in her job.
  4. She said to me, "We lived in China for five years." → She told me that they had lived in China for five years.
  5. He said to me, "Do you like ice-cream?" → He asked me if I liked ice-cream.
  6. They said, "Hurray! We've won the match." → They cheered that they had won the match.
  7. He said, "I'd tried everything without success, but this new medicine is great." → He said that he had tried everything without success, but this new medicine was great.
  8. Sony said, "I go to the gym next to your house." → Sony said that he went to the gym next to my house.
  9. He said, "Be quiet after 10 o'clock." → He told me to be quiet after 10 o'clock.
  10. He said, "I don't want to go to the party unless he invites me." → He said that he didn't want to go to the party unless he was invited.
  11. He said to me, "I will see you tomorrow if you meet me." → He told me that he would see me tomorrow if I met him.
  12. She said, "If I were you, I would give up the work." → She said that if she were me, she would give up the work.