Health and Exercise (You May Scoff...)

Ways with words

Ten words in the bold face in the text correspond to the definitions below. Match the definitions with the corresponding words

  1. in spite of what has just been said or referred to → nevertheless
  2. a strong desire or impulse → urge
  3. the ability to continue trying to do something, although it is very difficult → determination
  4. to attract attention to or emphasize something important → highlight
  5. arguing about things that are not important → bickering
  6. not having things or conditions that are usually considered necessary → deprivation
  7. continue to exist → persist
  8. soft loose flesh on a person's body → flab
  9. to improve or increase something → boost
  10. a limiting condition on something → restriction

Now, make sentences of your own using the same words in bold type.

  1. Nevertheless, I still believe that we should try a different approach
  2. I have a strong urge to go for a run before it gets too dark.
  3. She showed great determination in completing the marathon, despite the challenges she faced.
  4. The teacher highlighted the most important points of the lesson on the board.
  5. The siblings spent the whole car ride home bickering about whose turn it was to pick the music.
  6. The lack of access to clean water is a major deprivation for many communities around the world.
  7. The tradition of passing down recipes from generation to generation has persisted for centuries.
  8. He decided to join a gym to get rid of the flab around his waist.
  9. The government implemented policies to boost the country's economic growth.
  10. The new restriction on outdoor gatherings will limit the number of people who can attend events.

The words ‘restriction’ and ‘awareness’ are nouns with the suffixes ‘-ion’ and ‘-ness’. Make a list of as many words as you can which end in ‘-ion’ and ‘-ness’

Here is a list of words that end in "-ion":

  1. affection
  2. admiration
  3. aggression
  4. allocation
  5. approximation
  6. aspiration
  7. attention
  8. authorization
  9. celebration
  10. collaboration
  11. communication
  12. comprehension
  13. connection
  14. conservation
  15. consideration
  16. contraction
  17. contribution
  18. corruption
  19. creation
  20. deception
  21. definition
  22. degradation
  23. demonstration
  24. depression
  25. desperation
  26. destruction
  27. detection
  28. determination
  29. deviation
  30. digestion
  31. dimension
  32. distraction
  33. elevation
  34. elimination
  35. emission
  36. emotion
  37. erosion
  38. evaluation
  39. evasion
  40. evolution
  41. examination
  42. expansion
  43. exploration
  44. expression
  45. extraction
  46. fascination
  47. generation
  48. graduation
  49. irritation

Here is a list of words that end in "-ness":

  1. kindness
  2. darkness
  3. readiness
  4. fitness
  5. fairness
  6. heaviness
  7. kindness
  8. politeness
  9. ruthlessness
  10. shyness
  11. sickness
  12. thoughtfulness
  13. togetherness
  14. toughness
  15. willingness
  16. boldness
  17. cheerfulness
  18. coldness
  19. completeness
  20. deafness
  21. goodness
  22. happiness
  23. illness
  24. likeness
  25. meanness
  26. neatness
  27. oneness
  28. quickness
  29. sadness
  30. sharpness
  31. slowness
  32. tenderness
  33. thoroughness
  34. tiredness
  35. toughness
  36. willingness
  37. youthfulness


Write whether the following statements are True, False or Not Given

  1. During the holidays people eat and drink more than usual. → True
  2. Getting too little exercise and eating too much is the reason why people put on weight. → True
  3. David Allison’s research involved studying rats under laboratory conditions. → False
  4. You may need to go shopping for clothes if you come down with a cold. → True
  5. Adenovirus-36 (AD-36) decreases the percentage of fat in the fat cells. → False
  6. Vaccination against infections could be used in the future to prevent obesity. → True
  7. People under severe stress can experience breathing difficulties. → Not Given
  8. A study indicates that mice that have never been on a diet choose fatty food, when given a choice between high-calorie or low-calorie food products. → False
  9. Rajita Sinha has been studying the connection between brain activity and behaviour. → False
  10. Specific hormones regulate our appetite. → True

Answer the following questions

a. In what sense are the holidays a time of excess? When can a person gain weight?

In holidays people eat and drink more than usual. In this sense, holidays are a time of excess. A person can gain weight when he eats and drinks more than usual and do not exercise enough.

b. According to David Allison, which factor contributes to excess obesity?

According to David Allison, the factor that contributes to excess obesity is overeating and under exercise.

c. What, according to Dhurandhar, can be the way of preventing fatness? Dhurandhar suggests that vaccination may be an effective way to prevent obesity.

d. What is the relationship between chill and obesity? How can saying ‘om’ help reduce fatness?

Being chill, practicing relaxation techniques or finding ways to manage stress may help reduce the risk of stress-related behaviors that can contribute to weight gain. For example, if a person is able to manage their stress effectively, they may be less likely to overeat or engage in other unhealthy behaviors that can lead to weight gain. Similarly, if a person is able to relax and reduce their stress levels, they may be more likely to engage in healthy behaviors, such as regular physical activity, which can help maintain a healthy weight.

Saying "om" or practicing relaxation techniques, such as meditation or deep breathing, may help reduce stress and prevent weight gain. These practices can help calm the mind and body and promote a sense of relaxation and well-being, which may help reduce the risk of stress-related behaviors that can contribute to weight gain.

e. Why is it necessary to be careful while buying plastic packaged fatty foods?

It is necessary to be careful when buying plastic packaged fatty foods because some types of plastic can leach chemicals that may affect weight gain.

f. Why does Nelson suggest avoiding blue wavelengths of light at night?

Nelson suggests avoiding blue wavelengths of light at night because they can disrupt the body's natural sleep patterns and lead to weight gain.

g. How does breathing polluted air affect one’s fatness?

Breathing polluted air may affect weight gain because it can increase inflammation and stress, which can lead to overeating and weight gain.

h. What is the link between sleep and weight?

There is a link between sleep and weight because getting enough sleep can help regulate appetite and metabolism, while lack of sleep can lead to weight gain.

Critical thinking

What do you do you to keep yourself fit? What food do you avoid and why?

To keep myself fit, I engage in regular physical activity, such as going for a run or lifting weights, or participating in sports or other activities that I enjoy. I also incorporate physical activity into my daily routine, such as taking the stairs instead of the elevator or going for a walk during my lunch break.

In terms of my diet, I try to make healthy food choices by eating a variety of fruits, vegetables, and whole grains, and limiting my intake of processed and unhealthy foods. I also try to be mindful of portion sizes and avoid overeating. There are certain types of food that I choose to avoid for health reasons, such as those that are high in added sugars, saturated fat, or sodium. I also try to stay hydrated by drinking plenty of water throughout the day.

Healthy citizens are the greatest asset of a country. What can a state do to keep her citizen healthy?

There are many things that a state or government can do to promote the health of its citizens. Some examples include:

  1. Providing access to quality healthcare: This may involve investing in and supporting the development of a strong healthcare system, including hospitals, clinics, and healthcare providers.
  2. Promoting healthy lifestyles: Governments can promote healthy behaviors through education and awareness campaigns that encourage people to engage in regular physical activity, eat a healthy diet, and avoid smoking and excessive alcohol consumption.
  3. Ensuring access to clean water and air: Providing clean, safe drinking water and air can help prevent the spread of diseases and improve overall health.
  4. Providing healthy environments: Governments can work to create environments that support healthy behaviors, such as building parks and recreation areas, promoting walkable and bikeable communities, and promoting the availability of healthy food options.
  5. Providing access to mental health services: Mental health is an important aspect of overall health, and governments can work to ensure that citizens have access to mental health services and support.
  6. Implementing policies that promote health: Governments can implement policies such as taxes on unhealthy products, regulations on the marketing of unhealthy foods to children, and bans on smoking in public places to promote health.

Yoga can be good to stay physically and mentally healthy. Do you practise any yoga? Write an essay on the benefits of yoga.

Yoga is a holistic practice that involves physical postures, breathing techniques, and meditation. It has been shown to have numerous benefits for both physical and mental health.

One of the main benefits of yoga is that it can improve physical fitness and flexibility. The physical postures, or asanas, that are practiced in yoga help to strengthen and tone the muscles, improve balance and coordination, and increase flexibility. These physical benefits can help to improve overall physical health and prevent injuries.

In addition to its physical benefits, yoga has also been shown to have numerous mental health benefits. It can help to reduce stress and anxiety, improve sleep, and increase feelings of calm and relaxation. The practice of yoga involves focusing on the present moment, which can help to improve concentration and attention. Yoga can also help to improve mood and overall well-being.

The practice of yoga also involves breathing techniques, or pranayama, which can help to improve respiratory function and increase lung capacity. This can be particularly beneficial for individuals with respiratory conditions such as asthma.

Finally, yoga can be a social activity, as it is often practiced in a group setting. This can help to improve social connections and sense of community, which can have positive effects on mental health.

In conclusion, yoga is a practice that offers numerous benefits for both physical and mental health. It can improve physical fitness and flexibility, reduce stress and anxiety, and improve mood and overall well-being. The practice of yoga can be a beneficial addition to an individual's overall health and wellness routine.

How can a person be mentally healthy? Provide about ten tips to a person to stay mentally fresh and healthy.

Mental health is an important aspect of overall health and well-being. It can affect how we think, feel, and act, and can impact our relationships with others. Mental health is important at every stage of life, from childhood and adolescence through adulthood. There are many ways to promote mental health, including:

  1. Get enough sleep: Adequate sleep is essential for good mental health. Aim for 7-9 hours of sleep per night.
  2. Eat a healthy diet: A diet rich in fruits, vegetables, and whole grains can support good mental health. Avoid processed and unhealthy foods.
  3. Exercise regularly: Physical activity can help to reduce stress, improve mood, and boost self-esteem.
  4. Stay hydrated: Drinking enough water is important for overall health, including mental health.
  5. Engage in activities you enjoy: Doing things you enjoy, such as hobbies or spending time with loved ones, can help to reduce stress and improve mood.
  6. Practice relaxation techniques: Techniques such as deep breathing, meditation, or yoga can help to reduce stress and improve relaxation.
  7. Seek support when needed: It is okay to seek support from friends, family, or a mental health professional when needed.
  8. Practice gratitude: Focusing on the things you are grateful for can help to improve mood and overall well-being.
  9. Limit alcohol and drug use: Excessive alcohol and drug use can have negative effects on mental health.
  10. Seek help for mental health issues: If you are experiencing mental health problems, such as depression or anxiety, it is important to seek help from a mental health professional. Do not try to cope on your own.

Additional tips for promoting mental health include:

  1. Practicing mindfulness: Practicing mindfulness, or focusing on the present moment, can help to improve concentration and attention.
  2. Practicing self-care: Practicing self-care, or taking time to do things that you enjoy, can help to reduce stress and improve mood.
  3. Practicing positive thinking: Practicing positive thinking, or focusing on the positive aspects of a situation, can help to improve mood and overall well-being.
  4. Practicing healthy coping strategies: Practicing healthy coping strategies, such as talking to a friend or family member, can help to reduce stress and improve mood.
  5. Practicing healthy communication: Practicing healthy communication, such as expressing your feelings in a respectful way, can help to improve relationships and overall well-being.

Read this text and notice the subject-verb agreement

The human body is like a machine. All machines need fuel to give them energy. The fuel for the human body is food. Most of the energy comes from two substances in our food: carbohydrates and fats. Carbohydrates are found in food like potatoes, bread, rice, wheat, corn, etc. and sugar. Fats come from food like meat, oil, cheese and butter. All junk food contains lots of carbohydrates and fats. If you eat a lot of junk food, you will probably get fat and it may cause a lot of diseases.

The verb agrees with the subject in each sentence. For example, in the first sentence, "is" is the correct verb to use with the subject "body," and in the second sentence, "need" is the correct verb to use with the subject "machines." In the third sentence, "is" is the correct verb to use with the subject "food," and so on.

Complete the sentences by choosing the correct verbs from the brackets

  1. Everyone has (has/have) problems in their life. Countries also have (has/have) problems, and so does (do/does) the world. One of the greatest problems is (is/are) the growing population. The population in some countries is (is/are) huge.
  2. A number of my friends love (love/loves) riding bicycles, but neither my brother nor my sister owns (own/owns) a cycle. At 4 o'clock, either my mother or father is (is/are) coming to pick me up in a car.
  3. The pair of shoes on the floor are (is/are) mine. The shoes were (was/were) made in China. The three thousand rupees I spent on them were (was/were) worth it.

Are the following sentences correct? If not, correct them.

a. Every one of the workers receive the same benefits.
→ Everyone of the workers receives the same benefits.

b. There is two gerbils in my bathroom.
→ There are two gerbils in my bathroom.

c. Both of my friends live in Kathmandu.
→ Correct sentence.

d. Scissors is used to have our hair cut.
→ Scissors are used to have our hair cut.

e. You and your friends are welcome to join us.
→ You and your friends are welcome to join us.

f. Are the news on at five or six?
→ Is the news on at five or six?

g. The man with all his children live in the city.
→ The man and all his children live in the city.

h. Mathematics are Prem's favourite subject, while Economics is Alina's favourite subject.
→ Mathematics is Prem's favourite subject, while Economics is Alina's favourite subject.