Music and Creation (A Life of Sound and Silence)

Working with words

Find the single words for the following definitions. The words are given in the jumbled letters at the end.

a. A person who hates or distrusts mankind - misanthrope
b. A sensation of noise, such as a ringing or roaring - tinnitus
c. An examination of a body after death to determine the cause of death - autopsy
d. A musical composition or movement for five instruments or voices - quintet
e. A severe life-threatening illness caused by a bacterium - meningitis
f. An object that directs one's attention away from something else - distraction
g. The action or process of becoming impaired or inferior in quality, functioning, or condition - deterioration
h. Failing to perceive something - impercipience
i. A hearing disorder that makes it hard to deal with everyday sounds - hyperacusis
j. A bacterial infection usually spread by sexual contact - syphilis

Put the musical instruments into different categories as below.

Wind Instruments: trumpet, harmonica, clarinet, conch, trombone
Stringed Instruments: violin, viola, cello, double bass
Percussion Instruments: drum, tabla, cymbal, bell, tambourine

Use a dictionary and find the definition of these genres of music.

rock music, pop music, hip hop, jazz, folk music, classic music, blues, heavy metal, Gospel music, country music, grunge, breakbeat, reggae, disco and dubstep

  • Rock music is a genre of popular music that originated as "rock and roll" in the United States in the 1950s, and developed into a range of different styles in the 1960s and later. It typically features a strong backbeat, electric guitars, and other instruments.
  • Pop music is a genre of popular music that originated in the 1950s and encompasses a wide range of subgenres. It is generally characterized by a catchy melody, simple harmony, and a focus on commercial appeal.
  • Hip hop is a genre of music characterized by its use of rapping, a rhythmic and rhyming speech that is chanted, and beats produced by a DJ. It originated in African American communities in the Bronx, New York City in the 1970s.
  • Jazz is a genre of music characterized by its improvisation, syncopated rhythms, and the use of various musical forms such as the blues, swing, and bebop. It originated in African American communities in the early 20th century, particularly in New Orleans.
  • Folk music is a genre of traditional music that originates from the people of a particular country or region, and is passed down through generations. It often tells stories, reflects the culture and way of life of the people, and is usually performed by non-professional musicians.
  • Classical music is a genre of music that encompasses a wide range of styles and forms, from medieval to contemporary. It is generally characterized by its complexity, and is often performed by professional musicians.
  • Blues is a genre of music that originated in African American communities in the late 19th century, and is characterized by its use of the blues scale, and its focus on the expression of feelings such as sorrow and loss.
  • Heavy metal is a genre of rock music that originated in the late 1960s and is characterized by its distorted electric


Put the following events in the life of Beethoven in chronological order.

c. Beethoven was born into a musical family in Bonn, Germany.
e. He learned to play the organ, piano, violin, and viola.
a. He migrated to Vienna.
h. At the age of twenty-seven, he felt the deafness to high-pitched sound.
d. His deafness got gradually worse: He could hear but not understand.
g. He lived a life in seclusion.
b. He even made suicidal attempts.
f. He died of hepatitis at the age of fifty-six.

State whether the following statements are True or False.

a. Beethoven became blind in a gradual process over two decades. False
b. He became a celebrity musician in his teenage. True
c. He did not disclose his hearing problem for a long time. True
d. He knew that he misunderstood the speakers and gave up his public performances. False
e. He tried to get his deafness treated until his death. False
f. Beethoven died in his early fifties. False
g. Doctors found the cause of his deafness after his death. False

Answer the following questions.

a. What does Hellen Keller think about deafness and blindness?

Helen Keller believes that while blindness separates people from things, deafness separates people from people.

b. What does Hellen Keller think about deafness and blindness?

The author compares Beethoven with Milton, Van Gogh and Toulouse-Lautrec because all of them were creative figures whose lives were deeply affected by physical impairments, in this case, Beethoven's hearing problems.

d. What does Hellen Keller think about deafness and blindness?

Beethoven first noticed his hearing problems at the age of 27.

e. What psychological effects did he have when he noticed that he was being deaf?

When he noticed his deafness, Beethoven had fear, lack of self-esteem, emotional disarray, increasing isolation, and self-neglect.

f. How did he triumph over his suicidal thoughts?

Beethoven overcame his suicidal thoughts through his strong moral beliefs and passion for music. Additionally, he believed that one should not give up on life as there are still many good things that can be accomplished. These motivations helped him to overcome his suicidal thoughts.

g. How did he accept his deafness?

He accepted his deafness by saying that no one can save him from deafness and to go further in his life, he must eventually accept it.

h. How was his deafness ironically good for the world?

Beethoven's deafness is ironic as it led to the creation of some of his most famous works, including Symphony No. 9 in D minor, the Missa solemnis, and the Symphony No. 5 in C minor.

i. When did Beethoven give up his musical performances forever?

In 1804, when Beethoven had problems in hearing the wind instruments during a rehearsal for the Eroica, his friend, Stephen von Breuning commented that Beethoven had become withdrawn and mistrusted by his best friends.

j. What did Stephen von Breeuning comment on Beethoven’s reactions?

Stephen von Breeuning commented that Beethoven's deafness led to a change in his personality and made him more irritable, but it also increased his creativity as a composer.

k. How did Beethoven express the conflict in his mind?

Beethoven expresses the conflict in his mind through letters to friends and expressing his despair over his condition.

Critical thinking

Suicidal thoughts came in Beethoven’s mind several times but he did not commit suicide and kept on composing music. Write a monologue in about 150 words from Beethoven’s perspectives describing his suicidal thoughts and his will to live.

I cannot deny that the thought of ending my life has crossed my mind on many occasions. The idea of being trapped in a world of silence, unable to hear the beauty of music, is suffocating. But, I cannot give in to such despair. Music is my life, it is my passion, and it is what keeps me going. I have read somewhere that a man should not give up his life as he can do many other good deeds in life. And, I believe that to be true. I may be deaf, but I am still a composer. I will continue to compose music, to create beauty, and to share it with the world.

I have come to realize that my deafness is not a curse, but a challenge. It has forced me to find new ways to create and express my music. It has also made me appreciate the beauty of silence and the power of imagination. And, I am certain that it has helped to make my music even more profound and meaningful.

I am not alone in this struggle, there are many people who suffer from deafness and other disabilities. I want to be an inspiration to them and to prove that even in the face of adversity, one can still find beauty and purpose in life. I will not give in to suicidal thoughts, I will live and I will create.

Was it divine inspiration or rigorous practice that made Beethoven one of the world’s greatest musicians? Give the reasons.

It was a combination of both divine inspiration and rigorous practice that made Beethoven one of the world’s greatest musicians. Beethoven had a natural talent for music from a young age and had a strong passion for it. He was born into a musical family and began playing the piano, organ, violin and viola at a young age. He also had the opportunity to take lessons from Joseph Haydn in Vienna, which helped to further develop his skills. However, it was not just his natural talent and formal training that made him a great musician, it was also his dedication and discipline to his craft. Beethoven spent countless hours practicing and honing his skills, which helped him to become the master musician he is known as today. Additionally, his deafness and struggle with mental health also played a role in his ability to create such powerful and emotive music.


Who is your favourite Nepali musician? Write his/her biography in about 300 words.

Nirakar Yakthumba

Nirakar Yakthumba, also known as Yakthumba, is a Nepali musician who is known for his contributions to the Nepali music industry. He was born in a small village called Pipalbot in the Kavre district of Nepal. From a young age, Yakthumba was interested in music and would often sing and play the madal (a traditional Nepali drum) during local festivals and ceremonies.

In his early twenties, Yakthumba moved to Kathmandu to pursue his passion for music. He started performing at local clubs and restaurants, and quickly gained a following. In 2001, Yakthumba released his first album, "Nepali Gaane" which was an instant hit. The album featured a mix of traditional Nepali folk songs and modern pop songs.

Throughout his career, Yakthumba has released multiple albums and has become one of the most popular and respected musicians in Nepal. He is known for his ability to blend traditional Nepali folk music with contemporary sounds, creating a unique and distinct style. He has also been a regular performer at various national and international music festivals, representing Nepal. Yakthumba has also been actively involved in various social causes, using his music to raise awareness and funds for the underprivileged communities in Nepal.

In recognition of his contributions to the Nepali music industry, Yakthumba has received several awards, including the prestigious National Music Award in 2016. Yakthumba continues to be a major influence in the Nepali music scene, known for his powerful and emotive performances and his commitment to preserving and promoting traditional Nepali music.


Fill in the blanks with appropriate prepositions.

a. I was accompanied to the hospital by my friend.
b. I have great respect for my teachers.
c. The culprit was sentenced to death.
d. His arguments are not based on truth.
e. He has not contributed to the development of our nation.
f. He died because of Corona at the age of thirty-five.
g. The young generation of Nepali people don’t take interest in politics.
h. Our village was not infected by Corona.
i. Why do you sneer at me.

Fill in the blanks with for, since, until, by or in.

a. The classes will be over by 5 PM.
b. Karma Sherpa reached the top of Mt. Everest in 8 hours.
c. We had met after five years. So we kept on talking until three in the morning.
d. She has been living in America since she got married.
e. He has been playing video game for ten hours.
f. She practices the Sitar every day for five hours.
g. He lived in Jumla until he passed high school examinations.
h. There is no chance of dry weather even today. It has rained since last Saturday.
i. I can type 120 words in a minute.
j. We take an early breakfast. It’s generally ready by six in the morning.