History (After the World Trade Centre)

Working with words

Match the words with their definitions/meanings.

Word Definition
passion any powerful or compelling emotion or feeling, as love or hate
surveillance continuous observation of a place, person, group, or ongoing activity in order to gather information
integrity the state of being whole, entire, or undiminished
avuncular like an uncle
livelihood a means of supporting one’s existence
fascination powerful attraction
innovation an idea, practice, or object that is perceived as new
panorama an unobstructed and wide view of an extensive area in all directions
resilience the power or ability of a material to return to its original form, position, etc., after being bent, compressed, or stretched
evacuation the removal of people or things from an endangered area

Define the following professionals.

An architect is a professional who designs buildings and other structures, taking into account factors such as safety, function, and aesthetics.

A civil engineer is a professional who designs, builds, and maintains infrastructure such as roads, bridges, and buildings, often working with other engineers and construction professionals.

A mechanical engineer is a professional who designs, develops, and tests mechanical systems, such as engines, machines, and tools.

An aerospace engineer is a professional who designs, develops, and tests aircraft and spacecraft.

An automobile engineer is a professional who designs, develops, and tests automobiles, including their engines, transmission systems, and other mechanical components.

An electronic engineer is a professional who designs, develops, and tests electronic systems, such as computers, communication systems, and other electronic devices.

An electrical engineer is a professional who designs, develops, and tests electrical systems, such as power generators and distribution systems, electrical motors, and other electrical equipment.

A computer engineer is a professional who designs, develops, and tests computer systems and networks, including hardware, software, and applications.

A food engineer is a professional who uses principles of engineering and science to design, develop, and improve food products, food processing and packaging.

A chemical engineer is a professional who applies principles of chemistry and engineering to design, develop and oversee chemical manufacturing processes, including the production of pharmaceuticals, fuels, and other products.

A biomedical engineer is a professional who applies principles of engineering and biology to design, develop, and improve medical equipment and devices, such as prosthetic limbs, imaging equipment, and diagnostic devices.


Answer the following questions.

a. Where were Frank and Nicole employed?

Frank and Nicole were employed as Construction Manager of the World Trade Center and a "surveillance engineer" at the engineering firm that built the World Trade Center, Leslie E. Robertson Associates, respectively.

b. How does the author describe Frank’s attachment to the twin towers?

The author describes Frank's attachment to the twin towers as a consuming passion. He says that Frank would speak about the towers with "the absorbed fascination with which poets sometimes speak of Dante’s canzones."

c. How did the two families become intimate with each other?

The two families became intimate with each other through their children, who were the same age, gender, and temperament.

d. What, according to Nicole, did Frank think of the towers?

According to Nicole, Frank thought of the towers as an incredible human feat and was awed by their scale, magnitude, innovative design features, and the efficiency of the use of materials.

e. Why did Frank want to help the people in the tower after the attack?

Frank wanted to help the people in the tower after the attack because he had a deep knowledge of the building and knew the best ways to evacuate.

f. Why did Frank not follow Nicole’s request even after knowing that the building was on fire?

Frank did not follow Nicole's request even after knowing that the building was on fire because he believed that the structure had absorbed the impact and that it was now a question of coping with the damage.

g. Who did Frank call from the building after the attack?

Frank called his sister Nina, who lived on West 93rd street in Manhattan, from the building after the attack.

h. How did Nicole feel after the collapse of the first tower?

After the collapse of the first tower, Nicole felt that was like the beginning of a nuclear war. Everything went absolutely quiet and she felt in the middle of a fog that was as blindingly bright as a snowstorm on a sunny day.

i. Were Frank’s children serious as soon as they heard the news of their missing father? Why?

Frank’s children were not serious as soon as they heard the news of their missing father because they were busy playing games.

Critical thinking

Many innocent people lose their lives in ruthless attacks every year. What do you think the governments should do to protect their people from such attacks and make the world a safer place to live? Discuss with your friends.

Governments have a responsibility to protect their citizens from harm, and preventing terrorist attacks is a key part of that. One important step governments can take is to invest in intelligence and law enforcement capabilities to detect and disrupt terrorist plots before they can be carried out. Additionally, governments can work together internationally to share information and coordinate efforts to combat terrorism.

Another important aspect is to address underlying factors that can lead to radicalization and violent extremism, such as poverty, lack of education, and political marginalization. Governments can take steps to address these issues through social programs and policies that promote economic opportunity and inclusivity.

Another important step is to address the issue of arms control, and work towards reducing the availability of weapons to people who would use them to carry out terrorist attacks.

It's important to note that preventing terrorist attacks is a complex and ongoing effort that requires a multi-faceted approach, involving a range of government agencies, as well as private sector organizations, non-profits, and community groups.

Revenge and violence are the integral parts of the history and civilization. They can’t be ignored, only managed. Do you agree or not with this statement? Present your logic.

Revenge and violence have certainly been a part of human history and civilization, but it does not mean that they cannot be addressed or managed. While it may be true that the impulse for revenge and the use of violence have been present throughout history, it is also true that societies have developed mechanisms to address these impulses and reduce their destructive impact.

One way that societies have managed revenge and violence is through the development of laws and legal systems. These systems provide a way for individuals and groups to seek justice and redress for harm without resorting to violent retaliation.

Another way that societies have managed revenge and violence is through the development of cultural norms and values that promote forgiveness, reconciliation, and peaceful resolution of conflicts. These norms and values can serve as a counterbalance to the impulses of revenge and violence.

It's also important to note that addressing the root causes of violence and extremism such as poverty, lack of education, political marginalization and other socio-economic factors can help in reducing the instances of revenge and violence.

In conclusion, while it is true that revenge and violence have been a part of human history, it does not mean that they cannot be managed. Societies have developed mechanisms to address these impulses and reduce their destructive impact, and it's important to continue working towards this goal.


Write a description of an event that you have recently witnessed.

I recently witnessed a fire in my neighborhood. It was a terrifying experience. The fire started in the early evening, and I could see the smoke and flames from my window. I immediately called 911 and ran outside to see if I could help. When I got outside, I saw that the fire was in a house just a few doors down from mine. The entire house was engulfed in flames, and the heat was intense.

The fire department arrived quickly, and they immediately began trying to put out the fire. They had several fire trucks and firefighting equipment on the scene. The firefighters worked tirelessly, trying to control the fire and keep it from spreading to other houses. They used hoses to spray water on the flames, and they also used tools to break down the door and windows of the burning house to get inside and put out the fire from the inside.

The fire was intense and it took the fire department quite some time to put it out completely. I could see the smoke and flames for a long time, and I could hear the firefighters shouting and the sound of breaking glass as they worked to put out the fire.

As the fire was burning, the people who lived in the house were outside, watching helplessly as their home was destroyed by the fire. They were clearly very upset and some of them were crying. I could see their neighbors comforting them, trying to console them.

It was a very traumatic event to witness, but I am grateful that the fire department was able to put out the fire before it could cause more damage or injury. It's a reminder to always be vigilant about fire safety, and to make sure that we have working smoke detectors in our homes.

Human life does not pass as one expects. You might have also gone through different but memorable incidents. Write an essay on 'An Unforgettable Event in my Life' in about 500 words.

An unforgettable Event in My Life

One of the most memorable events in my life occurred during my senior year of high school. I had always been a good student, but I had never been particularly involved in school activities. However, that all changed when I decided to audition for the school play.

The play was a musical, and I had always loved singing, so I figured I would give it a try. I was a bit nervous about the audition, but I went for it anyway. To my surprise, I was cast in one of the lead roles. I was thrilled, but also a bit intimidated. I had never acted before, and I knew that this would be a huge challenge for me.

As soon as I got the part, I threw myself into rehearsals. We rehearsed every day after school, and sometimes on weekends as well. I was determined to do my best, and I worked incredibly hard to learn my lines and my songs. I was also really excited to be working with a great group of people who were all passionate about the play.

As the weeks went by, I started to feel more confident in my abilities as an actor. I was really enjoying the experience, and I was looking forward to performing in front of an audience. However, the day before opening night, I woke up with a terrible cold. I was so disappointed, I couldn't believe it. I had been looking forward to this moment for so long and now it seemed like everything was falling apart.

I went to school that day, but I was feeling pretty terrible. I was congested, had a headache and my throat was sore. I knew that I couldn't perform that night, I was devastated. I went to the drama teacher and told her about my condition. She assured me that everything would be alright and that they would find a way to make it work.

That night, I watched from the wings as the play began. I was so proud of my fellow cast members, they were all doing such a great job. And then, to my surprise, the drama teacher came out on stage and announced that I would be performing after all. She had found a way to make it work, and I was going to be able to be a part of the show.

I was a bit nervous as I walked out on stage, but as soon as I started singing, all of my nerves disappeared. I felt like I was in my element, and I knew that I was going to be able to give a great performance. And I did! The audience was amazing, they were clapping and cheering and I felt like a star.

That night was one of the most unforgettable events in my life. It was a night that I will always remember. Not only did I overcome my cold and performed, but it was also the night that I discovered my love for acting. It was a night that changed my life forever, and I will always be grateful for that experience.



Prepositions are words that indicate the relationship between a noun or pronoun and other words in a sentence. They typically indicate the location, direction, or time of an action or event. They are used to connect nouns, pronouns, and phrases to other words in a sentence and show the relationship between the words.

Examples of prepositions include:

  • in, on, at (indicating time or place)
  • to, from (indicating direction or origin)
  • with, by, of (indicating association or possession)
  • under, over, behind (indicating location or position)

There are many prepositions, and it can be challenging to know which one to use. Here are a few tips on how to use prepositions correctly:

  1. Use prepositions to indicate the location, direction, or time of an action or event. For example, "the book is on the table," "the letter was sent from New York," "the meeting is at 3 PM."
  2. Use prepositions to indicate the relationship between a noun or pronoun and other words in a sentence. For example, "the dog is under the chair," "the gift is from my sister," "the book is about history."
  3. Use prepositions to indicate the manner in which an action is done. For example, "I am going to the party with my friends," "I will write the letter by hand."
  4. Be careful when using prepositions with verb. Some verbs are commonly used with certain prepositions, while others are not. For example, "I am listening to the music," "I am looking at the picture."
  5. Be mindful of the context of the sentence. Some prepositions are used in a particular context, and the meaning of the sentence can change depending on the preposition chosen.

In summary, prepositions are words that indicate the relationship between a noun or pronoun and other words in a sentence. They are used to indicate the location, direction, or time of an action or event. To use prepositions correctly, pay attention to their context, be mindful of the relationship between the words and the verb, and be mindful of the context of the sentence.

Complete these sentences with the correct prepositions.

a. The relationship between the two boys has changed significantly over the past few years.
b. In Nepal, many girls get married at an early age.
c. I’m not in the mood for such silly games.
d. There were no security personnel on duty at that time.
e. The new smartphone is similar to the one I bought a few years ago.
f. My dad insisted on taking the later train.
g. People with ambition always try to achieve their goals, no matter what happens.
h. Mr Jenkins has been disabled all his life as a result of a childhood illness.
i. We bought the TV because it was on sale.
j. She has no understanding of how computers really work.
k. I gave him my new T-shirt in exchange for a few cigarettes.
l. The company is run by two people who hardly ever meet.
m. All the celebrations and parties were called off because of the tragic accident.
n. There was a great need of volunteers at the site of the crash.

Complete these sentences with the correct prepositions.

What are we seeing here? One very real possibility is that these are the educational consequences of the differences in parenting styles that we talked about in the Chris Langan chapter. Think back to Alex Williams, the nine-year-old whom Annette Lareau studied. His parents believe in connected cultivation. He gets taken to museums and gets enrolled in special programs and goes to summer camp, where he takes classes. When he’s bored at home, there are plenty of books to read, and his parents see it as their responsibility to keep him actively engaged in the world for him. It’s hard to see how Alex would get better at reading and math in the summer.

Simple future, future continuous, future perfect and future perfect continuous

Simple Future Tense: The simple future tense is used to describe an action that will happen in the future. It is formed using the auxiliary verb "will" followed by the base form of the main verb. For example, "I will study tomorrow," "They will arrive at the party at 8 PM."

Future Continuous Tense: The future continuous tense is used to describe an action that will be in progress at a specific time in the future. It is formed using the auxiliary verb "will" followed by "be" and the present participle of the main verb. For example, "I will be studying at 8 PM tomorrow," "They will be dancing at the party when we arrive."

Future Perfect Tense: The future perfect tense is used to describe an action that will be completed at a specific time in the future. It is formed using the auxiliary verb "will" followed by "have" and the past participle of the main verb. For example, "I will have finished my homework by 8 PM tomorrow," "They will have arrived at the party by the time we get there."

Future Perfect Continuous Tense: The future perfect continuous tense is used to describe an action that will have been in progress for a certain period of time in the future. It is formed using the auxiliary verb "will" followed by "have" and "been" and the present participle of the main verb. For example, "I will have been studying for two hours by 8 PM tomorrow," "They will have been dancing for an hour by the time we arrive at the party."

In summary, the Simple Future Tense is used to describe an action that will happen in the future, Future Continuous Tense is used to describe an action that will be in progress at a specific time in the future, Future Perfect Tense is used to describe an action that will be completed at a specific time in the future, and Future Perfect Continuous Tense is used to describe an action that will have been in progress for a certain period of time in the future.

Make sentences from the given clues as stated in brackets.

a. Who/pass the exam? (future simple)
Who will pass the exam?

b. How/you/get home? (future continuous)
How will you be getting home?

c. I/come later. (future simple)
I will come later.

d. She/catch the train by 3 pm. (future perfect)
She will have caught the train by 3 pm.

e. It/rain tomorrow. (future simple)

It will rain tomorrow.

f. John/sleep at 4 am. (future continuous)
John will be sleeping at 4 am.

g. How long/you/see your boyfriend when you get married? (future perfect continuous)
How long will you have been seeing your boyfriend when you get married?

h. It/rain in Kathmandu next week. (future continuous)
It will be raining in Kathmandu next week.

i. How long/you/work here when you retire? (future perfect continuous)
How long will you have been working here when you retire?

j. He / not / finish the cleaning by the time she gets home. (future perfect)
He will not have finished the cleaning by the time she gets home.

Complete the following sentences with the correct future tense form of the verbs in the brackets.

a. It will snow (snow) in Brighton tomorrow evening.
b. On Friday at 8 o’clock, I will meet (to meet) my friend.
c. Wait! I will drive (to drive) you to the station.
d. When they get married in March, they will be (to be) together for six years.
e. You’re carrying too much. I will open (to open) the door for you.
f. Do you think the teacher will mark (to mark) our homework by Monday morning?
g. When I see you tomorrow, I will show (show) you my new book.
h. After you take a nap, you will feel (to feel) a lot better.
i. I will let (to let) you know the second the builders finish decorating.
j. We will wait (to wait) in the shelter until the bus comes.
k. I’m very sorry, Dr. Jones will not be (not be) back in the clinic until 2pm.
l. This summer, I will live (to live) in Birgunj for four years.
m. I don’t think you will have (to have) any problems when you land in Pokhara.
n. The baby should be due soon, next week she will be (to be) pregnant for nine months.
o. By the time we get home, they will have played (to play) football for 30 minutes.
p. When you get off the train, I will wait (to wait) for you by the ticket machine.
q. This time next week, I will be skiing (ski) in Switzerland!
r. Now, I will check (to check) my answers.