Career Opportunities (Presenting Yourself)

Working with words

Complete the sentences with the correct words from the box below.

position, redundant, professional, referee, verification, consultant, competence, opportunity, imperative, achievement

a. You must learn about 2000 Kanji to develop competence in spoken Japanese language.
b. I can type both English and Nepali but not as fast as professional typists.
c. When she was in class eight, she got the opportunity to participate in a national painting competition.
d. The Prime Minister gave a long list of his achievements.
e. He spent many years in jail before reaching the position of a minister.
f. About fifty workers were made redundant because of the financial crisis in the factory.
g. He is affiliated to the World Bank as a senior consultant.
h. They registered my application after making verification of my documents.
i. I requested my teacher to be my referee in my CV.
j. To make our country self-sustained in food production is imperative need at present.

volunteering, on the job training, career opportunity, skill development, apprenticeship, career counselling, credentials, human capital, internship, soft skills, minimum wage, recruitment, role model, aptitude and assessment

Volunteering refers to working for an organization or cause without receiving payment. Example: "She decided to spend her summer volunteering at a local non-profit organization."

On the job training refers to learning a skill or trade while working in a job. Example: "He received on the job training when he started working as a carpenter's apprentice."

Career opportunity refers to a chance to advance or begin a new job or profession. Example: "The new job opening offered a great career opportunity for her to advance in her field."

Skill development refers to the process of learning or improving a particular skill. Example: "The company offers regular skill development workshops to its employees."

Apprenticeship refers to a program where an individual learns a trade or skill by working under the guidance of an experienced worker. Example: "He completed his apprenticeship and received a certification in welding."

Career counselling refers to guidance and advice on career development and choice. Example: "She received career counselling to help her decide on a college major and future career."

Credentials refer to qualifications, certifications, or other forms of evidence that demonstrate an individual's qualifications or expertise. Example: "She listed her credentials, including her degree and professional licenses, on her resume."

Human capital refers to the knowledge, skills, and abilities of individuals that can be used to improve an organization's performance. Example: "The company invests in human capital by providing employee training and development opportunities."

Internship refers to a period of work experience, usually in a specific field or industry, that is intended to provide hands-on learning and skills development. Example: "She completed an internship at a technology company while she was in college."

Soft skills refer to personal characteristics that enable someone to interact effectively and harmoniously with other people. Example: "He has strong soft skills, which helped him to build good relationships with clients and colleagues."

Minimum wage refers to the lowest amount of money that an employer can pay an employee by law. Example: "The company must pay its employees at least the minimum wage set by the state."

Recruitment refers to the process of finding and hiring employees for a company or organization. Example: "The company is currently in the process of recruitment for several new positions."

Role model refers to a person who serves as an example or inspiration for others to emulate. Example: "She is a role model for young women in the field of engineering."

Aptitude refers to an innate ability or potential to learn or do a particular thing. Example: "He has a natural aptitude for mathematics."

Assessment refers to the process of evaluating or measuring an individual's knowledge, skills, or abilities. Example: "The company conducts regular assessments to evaluate the performance of its employees."

Based on their pronunciation, divide the following words into two groups so that the vowel sounds rhyme with here and hare.

Sound rhymes with here Sound rhymes with hare
Fear Fare
Beer Bear
Ear Bare
Leer Care
Cheer Air
Sheer Share
Shear Lair
Tear (n.) Chair
Mere Share
Deer Tear (v.)
Dear Mare
Clear Dare
Sneer Snare
Gear Heir


Answer the following questions.

a. What does a CV mean and why is it important in one’s career?

A CV, or curriculum vitae, is a document that sets out an individual's personal details, experiences, and achievements as they relate to their working life. It is important in one's career as it is used when applying for jobs, seeking promotion, and trying to get research funding.

b. Does the same CV work for all job opportunities? Why or why not?

No, the same CV does not work for all job opportunities as different jobs may require different information and emphasis. For example, a CV for a research position would likely focus more on research achievements and publications, while a CV for a customer service position may focus more on customer service experience and soft skills.

c. What are the different areas where CV can help you?

A CV can help in various areas such as when applying for jobs, seeking promotion, trying to get research funding, when being asked to be an external examiner for a course or research thesis, for audits of teaching and research activity, if a faculty or department has to be validated by an external professional body, and in any circumstances in which somebody needs to judge an individual's professional competence.

d. What do you mean by ‘staying CV’ and ‘leaving CV’? Which one would you develop for yourself as a freshman?

"Staying CV" is that of the good university citizen, including plenty of committee work and administration, pastoral care of students, a heavy teaching load as well as a credible research record. A "leaving CV" will reflect the interests of a prospective new employer and will probably highlight research achievements, while still showing that the individual is generally competent and willing across the range of duties undertaken by academics. A freshman should develop a "staying CV" which will help them to showcase their achievements and skills to the university and plan their future career developments.

e. How can you draft a good CV?

To draft a good CV, it is important to be accurate and truthful, and to organize the information in a clear and easy-to-read format. It should also be kept up-to-date and tailored to the specific job or opportunity for which it is being used. Additionally, It is important to highlight the relevant experiences and achievements that demonstrate the individual's qualifications and skills for the position.

f. What is the difference between academic CV and non-academic CV.

An academic CV generally focuses on educational background, research, publications, and professional experience within the academic field. A non-academic CV, on the other hand, focuses on work experience and skills relevant to the specific industry or field the individual is applying for. The format and content of the CV will be different depending on the type of job or industry the individual is targeting.


Study the following advertisement. Write an application for one of the positions. Prepare your CV too that suits for the job.


MM Construction Pvt. Ltd. is looking for dynamic, energetic and qualified individuals who can work in any part of Nepal. The interested candidates are informed to apply for the under mentioned positions.

Job Position

  1. Civil Engineer
  2. Sub-Engineer
  3. Site Supervisor


  1. BE from a recognized university
  2. Diploma in Civil Engineering
  3. Bachelor’s Degree in any discipline

Required number

  1. 10
  2. 20
  3. 20

Other requirements

  1. The candidates must be fluent in both the Nepali and the English languages.
  2. The candidates under the age of 40 will be given preferences.

Please forward your application explaining your interest in the position with your CV within the seven days after the publication of this advertisement. Only the short-listed candidates will be called for the interview.


MM Construction Pvt. Ltd.

Subject: Application for the position of Civil Engineer

Dear Hiring Manager,

I am writing to express my interest in the position of Civil Engineer at MM Construction Pvt. Ltd. I am a recent graduate with a Bachelor's degree in Civil Engineering from a recognized university and I am confident that my skills and experience make me a strong candidate for this role.

I have a strong understanding of engineering principles and practices, as well as experience working with different types of construction projects. I am also familiar with various software and tools used in the construction industry, including AutoCAD and Primavera.

I am fluent in both Nepali and English, which I believe will be an asset to your organization. I am also under the age of 40, which aligns with your preferred age range for candidates.

Attached with this application, you will find my CV which highlights my qualifications and work experiences. I would be honored to have the opportunity to contribute to the success of MM Construction Pvt. Ltd. I look forward to hearing from you and thank you for considering my application.


Curriculum Vitae (C.V.)

Contact: 9855555555


To secure a position as a Civil Engineer at MM Construction Pvt. Ltd where I can utilize my skills and knowledge in the field of civil engineering to contribute to the success of the organization.


  • Bachelor's degree in Civil Engineering from XYZ University, 2020
  • Diploma in Civil Engineering from ABC Technical Institute, 2015

Work Experience:

  • ABC Construction, Junior Engineer, 2018-2020
  • DEF Infrastructure, Site Engineer, 2015-2018
  • GHI Development, Intern Engineer, 2014-2015


  • Strong understanding of engineering principles and practices
  • Familiar with different types of construction projects
  • Proficient in AutoCAD and Primavera
  • Fluent in Nepali and English


  • Professional Engineer License, 2020
  • OSHA 30 Hour Construction Safety, 2018


Please note that this CV is an example with random details and it is not based on any real person.


Rewrite the following sentences using the correct form of the verbs.

a. If you sell your stocks now, you will not get much money for them.
b. A lot of people would lose their jobs if the factory closed down.
c. Our country wouldn't have to export wheat if it rains in November and February.
d. If we had found him earlier, we could have saved his life.
e. If he hadn't been wearing a helmet, he would have been seriously injured.
f. Unless you follow the instructions, you will not pass the exams.
g. I don't mind walking home as long as the weather is fine.
h. The bank will sanction you the loan provided you deposit a collateral.
i. What would you do if you hadn't got this job?
j. If you had the choice, where would you live?

Change the following sentences into ‘if sentences’ as in the example.

a. The driver was talking on the phone so the accident happened.
If the driver had not been talking on the phone, the accident would not have happened.

b. There is no anyone at home because all the lights are off.
If there were someone at home, all the lights would not be off.

c. He must be an educated person because he has subscribed ‘The Kathmandu Post.’
If he were not an educated person, he would not have subscribed to ‘The Kathmandu Post.’

d. His head was not injured in the accident because he had put the helmet on.
If he had not put the helmet on, his head would have been injured in the accident.

e. I am sure he passed the exam because he gave a heavy treat to his friends.
If he had not given a heavy treat to his friends, I would not be sure he passed the exam.

f. You didn’t take any breakfast so you are hungry now.
If you had taken breakfast, you would not be hungry now.

g. I am sure he is a doctor because he is wearing the white gown.
If he were not a doctor, he would not be wearing the white gown.

h. She is very rich so she drives a Mercedes.
If she were not very rich, she would not drive a Mercedes.

i. I didn’t know it was only half a kilometer from my house, so I booked a ride.
If I had known it was only half a kilometer from my house, I would not have booked a ride.

j. He has hidden something in his mind, so he does not look fresh.
If he had nothing hidden in his mind, he would look fresh.