
Working with words

nuclear family, monogamy, sibling-in-law, milk kinship, matrilineal, nepotism, maternity

  • Nuclear family refers to a family unit that consists of a married couple and their children living together in a separate household.
    Example: "The nuclear family is considered the oldest type of family structure."
  • Monogamy refers to the practice of having only one spouse at a time.
    Example: "Monogamy is the most common form of marriage in Western societies."
  • Sibling-in-law refers to the brother or sister of one's spouse.
    Example: "My sister-in-law is the sister of my husband."
  • Milk kinship refers to the bond that is created through the act of lactation (nursing), it is commonly found among the pastoralist societies.
    Example: "Among the pastoralist societies, milk kinship is considered more important than genealogical kinship."
  • Matrilineal refers to a system in which family descent is traced through the mother's line.
    Example: "In matrilineal societies, property and inheritance are passed down through the mother's family."
  • Nepotism refers to the practice of showing favoritism to one's relatives in business or politics.
    Example: "The mayor was accused of nepotism for giving jobs to his relatives."
  • Maternity refers to the state of being a mother.
    Example: "She took maternity leave to care for her newborn baby."

The following words are from the above text. Each word has two parts.

polygamy, unmarried, nontraditional, dissolution, inequitable poly, un, non, dis and in are prefixes. They make new words when they are added to the beginning of other root words.

Make at least five words using the prefixes given. Consult a dictionary to learn how they change the meaning of root words.

pre-, semi-, sub-, mis-, mono-, un-, in-, inter-.

  • Prefix: pre-
    Example word: "preemptive" meaning to take action in advance of an expected event or situation.
  • Prefix: semi-
    Example word: "semiannual" meaning occurring twice a year.
  • Prefix: sub-
    Example word: "subordinate" meaning lower in rank or status.
  • Prefix: mis-
    Example word: "mistake" meaning an error or blunder.
  • Prefix: mono-
    Example word: "monochrome" meaning having only one color.
  • Prefix: un-
    Example word: "unhappy" meaning not happy.
  • Prefix: in-
    Example word: "incorrect" meaning not correct.
  • Prefix: inter-
    Example word: "interrelated" meaning having relationship with each other.


Answer the following questions.

a. What type of family is thought to be the oldest form of the family?

Nuclear family is thought to be the oldest form of family.

b. How does a family provide security to its members?

The family provides emotional and psychological security through warmth, love, and companionship between spouses and between them and their children. It also provides physical security by providing food, shelter, clothing, and other necessities of life.

c. What were the features of medieval European family?

Medieval European family was male-dominated and extended.

d. What caused the dissolution of extended families in the West?

The industrialization and the accompanying urbanization caused the dissolution of many extended families as many people, particularly unmarried youths, left farms and went to urban centers to become industrial workers.

e. What change occurred in gender role in the modern family that emerged after the Industrial Revolution?

The patriarchal rule began to give way to greater equality between the sexes in the modern family that emerged after the Industrial Revolution.

f. What is family law?

Family law is a branch of law that deals with the legal relationships among family members, as well as the relationships between families and society at large. It covers issues such as the terms and parameters of marriage, the status of children, and the succession of property from one generation to the next.

g. How is modern marriage defined?

Modern marriage is defined as a legally or socially recognized union between two individuals, who commit to a long-term relationship and have a monogamous relationship.

h. What do special family courts try to do?

Family courts try to resolve disputes in a way that is best for the children and family.

i. What does the legislation on child labour and child abuse declare?

Legislation on child labour and child abuse declare that children should be protected from exploitation and abuse.

j. What is common among most legal systems regarding property?

Most legal systems consider the property of a married couple to be jointly owned.

Creative thinking

What changes have started to occur in Nepali families in recent days? What impacts will they bring on the society? Discuss.

In recent days, Nepali families have started to shift towards smaller family sizes and nuclear family structures. This change is likely driven by increasing access to education and employment opportunities for women, as well as changes in social norms regarding family size and gender roles.

On the positive side, smaller family sizes can lead to improved economic and social outcomes for individuals and families. For example, with fewer children, parents are able to invest more resources in the education and development of each child. Additionally, smaller family sizes can also lead to more gender equality as women have greater opportunities to participate in the workforce and pursue their own education and career goals.

On the negative side, smaller family sizes can also lead to negative impacts on the society. As parents are now more focused on their jobs, they may not have enough time to spend with their children. This can lead to children being sent to hostels or other forms of child care. This can be difficult for children and may lead to feelings of loneliness and isolation. Additionally, as both parents are now working, they may not be able to provide the same level of care and attention to their children as they would if one parent stayed at home. This can also lead to negative impacts on the children's development and well-being.

Overall, while the shift towards smaller family sizes and nuclear family structures in Nepal can bring some positive changes to the society, it is important to consider the potential negative impacts on children and families and take steps to mitigate them.

We see many elderly people in the elderly homes these days in Nepal. Some of them are abandoned while others live there willingly. Do you think Nepali people are deviating from their traditional culture? Give reasons.

Yes, the increasing number of elderly people living in elderly homes in Nepal suggests that there may be a deviation from traditional Nepali culture. In traditional Nepali culture, it is common for elderly people to be cared for by their children and other family members within the home. However, in recent years, we see that many elderly people are being sent to elderly homes.

One reason for this deviation from traditional culture is the influence of Western culture. Western societies often prioritize individualism, independence, and career advancement over the care of family members. This mindset may have been adopted by some Nepali people, leading them to prioritize work and money over the care of their elderly family members.

One reason for this deviation from traditional culture is the influence of modernization and urbanization. As people migrate to cities, they are faced with economic and societal pressures that make it difficult to take care of their elderly family members. This can lead to the decision to place them in elderly homes.

In addition, the lack of government support and the unavailability of affordable and accessible elderly care services can also be a significant factor. This can lead to the decision to place elderly people in elderly homes.

In conclusion, it seems that the increasing number of elderly people in elderly homes in Nepal suggests that Nepali people may be deviating from their traditional culture. The influence of western culture, modernization, urbanization, and lack of government support may be contributing factors to this deviation.


Write an essay on The Importance of Family. In your essay, you can use these guiding questions.

  • Why family is important to you?
  • Why family is or is not important for society?
  • How you think families will change in the future?

The Importance of Family

Family is one of the most important aspects of our lives. It is the foundation upon which we build our identities and the source of our emotional and psychological support. For me, family is important because it provides a sense of belonging and connection. I know that I can always count on my family to be there for me, no matter what. They have been my rock through difficult times and have celebrated my successes with me.

But family is not just important to individuals, it is also crucial for society as a whole. Families provide the basic building blocks of society by creating new generations and raising children. They also play a key role in the socialization and development of children, teaching them the values and norms of society. Furthermore, families serve as a source of emotional and psychological support, which is essential for the overall well-being of society.

However, in recent years, we have seen a shift in traditional family structures and roles. With more women entering the workforce and changes in social norms, we are seeing an increase in nuclear families and single-parent households. Families are also becoming more diverse, with same-sex couples and blended families becoming more common.

In the future, I believe that we will continue to see changes in family structures and roles. As technology and the economy continue to evolve, we will likely see an increase in remote work and virtual communication, which will likely change the way families interact and interact with one another. Additionally, as society becomes more diverse and inclusive, we will likely see an increase in different types of family structures, such as same-sex couples and blended families, becoming more accepted and recognized by society.

However, despite these changes, I believe that the importance of family will remain the same. Families will always be the foundation of our lives, providing us with emotional and psychological support and a sense of belonging. As society continues to evolve, it will be important for us to adapt and find new ways to support and strengthen families, to ensure that they remain an integral part of our society.

In conclusion, family is of vital importance for individuals and society alike. It provides emotional and psychological support, serves as a source of socialization, and creates new generations. Although we may see changes in family structures in the future, the importance of family will remain unchanged. It is important for us to support and strengthen families, in order to ensure that they continue to play a vital role in our society.

Some people think it is better to live in a nuclear family. Other people think that living in extended family is more advantageous. What do you think? Write an essay discussing the advantages and disadvantages of both.

When it comes to living in a nuclear family or an extended family, there are pros and cons to both options. A nuclear family consists of a parents and their children living together as a unit, while an extended family includes multiple generations living together, such as grandparents, aunts, uncles, and cousins. From my perspective, I think that living in a nuclear family is more advantageous. However, both types of families have their own unique advantages and disadvantages.

One of the main advantages of living in a nuclear family is the sense of privacy and independence that it offers. Nuclear families have the freedom to make their own decisions and are not subject to the constant interference and opinions of extended family members. This can lead to greater autonomy and self-sufficiency, which can be beneficial for both parents and children. Additionally, a nuclear family can provide a more focused and individualized care for children. With fewer people to take care of, parents can devote more time, energy and resources to the development and well-being of their children.

However, living in a nuclear family also has its downsides. The lack of extended family support can be a disadvantage, particularly in times of crisis or hardship. Additionally, children may not have the opportunity to learn from other older family members and interact with people of different ages. Furthermore, the lack of elderly care within the family can put a burden on the parents, as they are the only ones responsible for their care.

On the other hand, living in an extended family can also have its own benefits. For example, extended families can provide a sense of community and support. Elderly family members can be taken care of by younger generations, which can be a great help for them and children can learn from the older generations. Additionally, extended families can provide a sense of security, as there is always someone to turn to in times of need.

However, living in an extended family can also have its downsides. As there are more people living together, conflicts and disagreements are more likely to occur. This can lead to a lack of privacy and difficulty in maintaining personal boundaries. Extended families also have less autonomy and are subject to more interference and opinions from other family members, which can lead to feelings of frustration and resentment. Additionally, the financial burden of supporting multiple generations can be a significant challenge for extended families. With more people to take care of, extended families may struggle to make ends meet, which can lead to financial stress and difficulties.

In conclusion, both nuclear and extended families have their own advantages and disadvantages. Nuclear families offer greater privacy and independence, while extended families offer a sense of community and support. However, it is important to consider the potential downsides of both living arrangements and weigh the pros and cons before making a decision. Ultimately, the most important thing is to have a supportive and loving family, regardless of its structure.


Choose the best answer to complete the sentences.

a. 'How much was your parking ticket?' 'Fifty rupees.' 'Oh well, it could have been worse.'

b. It might have got lost in the post. These things happen sometimes.

c. 'Sorry I'm late. I got delayed at work.' 'You could have called. I was really worried about you.'

d. 'I don't think he meant to be rude.' 'He must have said sorry.'

e. 'Whose signature is this?' 'I don't know. It could be Manoj's. That looks a bit like an M.'

f. I had it when I left the office so I must have lost it on the way to home.

g. You might think it's funny, but I think it's pathetic.

Complete the following sentences with appropriate endings. Use correct modal verbs.

a. At the end of the course, I should have a good understanding of the subject.
b. If you want to earn a lot of money, you should consider a career in finance or technology.
c. You were not in your house yesterday. You must have been somewhere else.
d. I'm quite busy tomorrow. I might not be able to meet up with you.
e. When you were a small kid, you could barely walk.
f. My car is broken. I must get it fixed as soon as possible.
g. I've got a fast speed internet at home. I can easily download large files.
h. Even though she didn't study well, she could still pass the exam.
i. There are plenty of newspapers in the library. You can read one if you want.
j. What do you think you were doing, playing in the road? You should have known better.
k. I have no time. I can't do it.
l. You don't look well. You should see a doctor.