Promotion Mix

Promotion is another important components of marketing mix. Promotion deals with informing and persuading the customers regarding the organization's product. It is very essential to the organization, as organization can't be succeed without the promotional tools. This element make fruitful to all other elements of marketing mix. Without promotional activities, even the quality goods cannot be sold.

There is a saying in Nepali “Bolneko pitho bikchha, nabolneko chamal pani bikdaina”.

The promotional activity becomes very important in attracting customer towards the products and creating demands by giving information and message about the products. Promotion mix includes adverting, personal selling, sales promotion and publicity.

Advertising: Advertising is an important components of promotion mix. It is paid form of non-personal mass communication by an identified sponsor. The mass media used include print advertising, radio, television, direct mail etc. Advertising should be attractive, cost effective and memorable.

Personal selling: Personal selling is also known as face-to-face selling in which one person who is the salesman tries to convince the customer in buying a product. It is effective components of promotion mix.

Sales promotion: Sales promotion is one of the core elements of the promotion mix. To build long-lasting relationships with users ,we need to find out the types of sales that work with our target audience. It is the process of persuading a potential customers to buy the product.

Publicity: Publicity is to create awareness through the media by placing news information about an organization and its products or services. The major characteristic of publicity that differentiates it from other marketing tools is that it may not be paid for by the sponsor.

Public relation: Marketing promotes the transfer of goods and services from the producer and provider to the consumer. Public relations immediate goal is mutual understanding or positioning of the organization with its publics.