Historical Development of Marketing

Evolution of Marketing

The present form of marketing is the result of gradual development, but not any result of sudden revolution. Evolution of marketing can be described in five stages such as primary stage, pre-industrial stage, industrial stage, information technology stage, and global stage.

Primary Stage

  1. The primary stage of marketing is self-reliance stage.
  2. The human needs were very limited.
  3. They used to fulfil their needs themselves.
  4. Very limited part of the production would remain for exchange.
  5. The medium of exchange was barter system.

Pre-industrial stage

  1. This is the period of post primary stage.
  2. People were involved in different kinds of occupation like farming, fishery, wood-carping, fabric weaving, clay pot making etc.
  3. Monetary system gradually replaced to the barter system. So, money was made easy in exchange process.
  4. Agricultural economy gradually began to be industry oriented economy.

Industrial stage

  1. This is industry oriented economy stage.
  2. Mass production began to start due to development and use of automatic machinery and development of transportation and communication.
  3. The role of agents, wholesalers and retailers became important in selling and distribution.
  4. In this stage, big business organization such as shopping malls, supermarket ,departmental stores, shopping centers etc. began to established.
  5. Promotional activities(adverting,sales promotion, publicity and personal selling) became essential due to meet completion in market.

Information technology stage

  1. In this stage where the information technology took place.
  2. Companies began to study customer’s needs and wants and began to keep contact with their customers ,intermediaries and agents through modern technology.
  3. It has made companies more responsible to satisfy customers by providing high quality goods or services.

Global stage

  1. This is the final stage of evolution of marketing.
  2. It is the globalization of economy.
  3. WTO (world trade organization) has been working for the growth and development of business worldwide.
  4. Global business partners are working together in production and distribution of goods and services.