Was it wise for Dona Laura and Don Gonzalo to keep their identities secret? How might their secrets affect future meetings?

It's from "A Sunny Morning" I don't think its wise. Can u please expand more

English - Class 11amit.regmi asked 9 months ago

1 Answer

It is not wise for Dona Laura and Don Gonzalo to keep their identities secret. By not revealing their identities, they are avoiding dealing with the emotions and issues that may still be present in their relationship. While it may be easier in the short term to avoid discussing these issues, they may continue to be a source of conflict and discomfort in future meetings.

In addition, by keeping their identities secret, they may be depriving themselves of the opportunity to fully understand and resolve their feelings for each other. By not fully acknowledging their past relationship, they may be hindering their ability to move forward and potentially build a new and stronger connection.

By not being honest about their identities, Dona Laura and Don Gonzalo are not allowing for a genuine and authentic relationship to develop. While it may be tempting to avoid discussing difficult topics, in the long run it is usually more productive to address issues and emotions head on. By not being open and honest about their past relationship, Dona Laura and Don Gonzalo are not giving themselves the opportunity to fully understand and move past any lingering feelings they may have for each other.

suparva answered 9 months ago

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