The Treasure in the Forest

Understanding the text

Answer the following questions.

a. Describe the expository scene of the story.

The expository scene of the story takes place in the cabin of a ship where Evan and Hooker are discussing their plan to find a treasure on a mysterious island.

b. What does the map look like and how do Evan and Hooker interpret it?

The map shows a jungle island with a river that flows through it. There is a cross marked on the island, which they believe marks the location of the treasure. Evan and Hooker interpret the map as a guide to finding the treasure.

c. How did Evan and Hooker know about the treasure?

Evan and Hooker learned about the treasure from a sailor who had died aboard the ship they were on. The sailor had a map to the treasure in his possession, which they found and decided to pursue.

d. Describe Evan’s dream.

Evan has a dream in which he sees a jungle island and a river running through it. He sees a cross marking the spot where the treasure is hidden. The dream is vivid and seems to guide Evan to the island.

e. What do the two treasure hunters see when they walk towards the island?

When Evan and Hooker walk towards the island, they see a dense jungle and a river. The jungle is quiet and seems to be empty.

f. In what condition did the treasure hunters find the dead man?

The treasure hunters found the dead man lying face down in the shallow water near the shore of the island. He had a wound in his back and his body was in a state of decay.

g. How did the treasure hunters try to carry gold ingots to the canoe?

Evan and Hooker tried to carry the gold ingots to the canoe by tying them together in pairs and carrying them on their backs.

h. How were Evan and Hooker poisoned?

Evan and Hooker were poisoned by drinking from a stream on the island that was contaminated with a toxic substance. They became very sick and unable to continue their treasure hunt.

Reference to the context

a. How do you know the story is set on a tropical island?

In the story "The Treasure in the Forest," the setting is described as a tropical island with lush vegetation, including palm trees and ferns. This description is typical of a tropical setting and suggests that the story takes place in a warm, humid climate with lush vegetation. Additionally, the fact that the island is described as having a jungle also supports the idea that the story is set on a tropical island.

b. Why do you think Evan and Hooker took such a risk of finding the buried treasure in a desert island?

Evan and Hooker took the risk of finding the buried treasure on a desert island because they had heard rumors that there was a large amount of gold hidden there. They were drawn by the potential for wealth and the adventure of searching for treasure. Additionally, the map they had acquired seemed to suggest the location of the treasure, further increasing their motivation to pursue it.

c. Do you think the narrator of the story is racist? If yes, what made him feel superior to other races?

The narrator of the story appears to be racist, as evidenced by the way he portrays Evan and Hooker as superior to the Chinese man in the story. Racism involves prejudice or hostility towards people based on their race or ethnicity, often directed towards minority or marginalized groups. In the story, the Chinese man is brutally killed by Evan and Hooker, and Hooker's comment to Evan, "Have you lost your wit?" highlights Hooker's dominant attitude towards Evan. These elements in the story suggest that the narrator may have racist views.

d. What do you think is the moral of the story?

The moral of "The Treasure in the Forest" could be that greed and the pursuit of wealth can lead to dangerous consequences, and that the pursuit of money and material possessions is not worth sacrificing one's own life. The story also highlights the dangers of blindly following the advice of others, as well as the importance of caution and preparedness when embarking on any dangerous endeavor. Additionally, the story may suggest that one should be content with what they have and not be constantly seeking more wealth and possessions.

Reference to the context

a. Interpret the story as a mystery story.

The story "The Treasure in the Forest" can also be interpreted as a mystery story. The main characters, Evan and Hooker, set out on a journey to find a hidden treasure that was buried on a tropical island. The treasure map they have leads them to a location deep in the jungle, where they come across a dead man who had been searching for the same treasure. The mystery begins as the two treasure hunters try to unravel the circumstances surrounding the death of the man and their own sudden illness. The circumstances surrounding the death of the man and the discovery of the treasure remain shrouded in mystery, adding to the suspense and tension of the story. The story ends with the two treasure hunters being found dead, leaving the reader wondering what really happened on that tropical island and what became of the hidden treasure.

b. Treasure hunting is a favorable subject of children’s story. Remember a treasure hunting story you read in your childhood and compare and contrast it with ‘The Treasure in the Forest.’

I remember a treasure hunting story named Tomb Raider. In that story, the focus is usually on the adventure and excitement of finding the treasure. The characters are often depicted as brave and daring, using their wit and problem-solving skills to overcome obstacles and reach their goal. There is usually a strong sense of teamwork and camaraderie among the characters, and the treasure is often depicted as a reward for their hard work and determination.

In contrast, "The Treasure in the Forest" has a more sinister and violent tone. The characters, Evan and Hooker, are depicted as ruthless and selfish, willing to kill and exploit others in order to get their hands on the treasure. The treasure is depicted as a source of corruption, causing the characters to lose sight of their morals and ethics. The story also has a tragic ending, with both characters dying as a result of their greed.

Overall, while both types of stories feature treasure hunting as a central theme, they have different approaches to the subject, with "The Treasure in the Forest" taking a darker and more cautionary tone.