Two Little Soldiers


Two Little Soldiers is a story about two young soldiers, Jean Kerderen and Luc Le Ganidec, who are stationed in the city but spend their Sundays in the countryside, visiting a spot that reminds them of home. The two men are best friends and share a deep bond, but their friendship is tested when they both fall in love with the same girl, a dairy maid who passes by them on her way to milk her cow every Sunday.

As the two men try to win the affections of the girl, their friendship becomes strained. Jean Kerderen is the first to confess his love to the girl, and she initially seems receptive. However, when Luc Le Ganidec also expresses his feelings, the girl becomes confused and upset, and Jean becomes jealous and resentful. The conflict between the two friends is further complicated when Jean discovers that the girl has been lying to them both, pretending to be someone she is not.

In the end, Jean is unable to handle the betrayal and heartbreak, and he takes his own life by jumping off the bridge at Bezons. Luc is left to mourn the loss of his friend and to grapple with the guilt and sadness of their situation. The story serves as a cautionary tale about the dangers of deception and the importance of honesty and communication in relationships.

Understanding the text

Answer the following questions.

a. Why do the two soldiers spend their free time on Sundays away from the barracks out in the countryside?

The two soldiers spend their free time on Sundays away from the barracks out in the countryside because it reminds them of home and provides them with a sense of freedom and familiarity.

b. Why does the girl become the topic of conversation for these soldiers?

The girl becomes the topic of conversation for these soldiers because she represents the possibility of love and companionship for them, as well as a distraction from the monotony and loneliness of their military life.

c. Why does deception enter into their friendship?

Deception enters into their friendship because Luc Le Ganidec lies to Jean Kerderen about his relationship with the girl, pretending that he has not seen her since the previous Sunday when in reality he has been meeting with her secretly.

d. Do you think that Luc is a betrayer of friendship?

It is possible to interpret Luc as a betrayer of friendship, as he lies to Jean and goes behind his back to pursue a relationship with the girl. However, it is also possible to see his actions as driven by a desire for love and companionship, and to consider the situation as more complex than just a betrayal of friendship.

e. What is the cause of suicide of Jean? Do you think that it was the only release of his love?

The cause of Jean's suicide was his friend Luc, because he was mentally disturbed by the love affair of his friend Luc with the girl whom he loved very much. I don't think suicide was the only way to release his love. He could have expressed his feelings to the girl or could have moved on in his life, accepting Luc's love instead of committing suicide.

Reference to the contextan

a. What is the central theme of the story?

The central theme of the story is loneliness and the search for connection and companionship. The soldiers, who are far from home and isolated in their military life, find solace in their Sunday outings and in the memories of their home country. They also form a bond with the girl, who represents the possibility of love and connection for them. However, the deception that enters into their friendship and the resulting tragedy highlight the difficulties and complexities of finding and maintaining relationships in a harsh and lonely environment.

b. "What are you doing here? Are you watching the grass grow?"

i. Who is the speaker?
The dairy maid is the speaker.

ii. What does the word “here” indicate?
The word "here" indicates the place where two soldiers visit every weekend.

iii. Who does “you” refer to?
"you" refers to the two soldiers Jean and Luc.

c. "He leaned--he--he was leaning--so far over--that his head carried him away--and--he--fell--he fell----"

i. Who is the speaker?
Luc is the speaker.

ii. Why is the speaker speaking with interruption?
The speaker is speaking with interruption because he is in a state of pain and scared of the death of Jean.

iii. What does he mean when he says “he--fell--he fell---”?
He means that Jean fell into the river and died.

d. Two Little Soldiers can be viewed as a series of dramatic scenes. Describe the story as tragedy

Two Little Soldiers is a story about two soldiers, Luc Le Ganidec and Jean Kerderen, who spend their Sundays away from the barracks in the countryside, remembering their home and seeking solace in their bond with each other and a girl. The story ultimately ends in tragedy when Jean Kerderen commits suicide after a betrayal by Luc Le Ganidec, who has become involved with the girl and lied to Jean about it. The story can be viewed as a tragedy because it portrays the characters' struggle for happiness and connection in a harsh and lonely environment, and ultimately ends in a tragic event that highlights the fragility and sorrow of human existence.

e. What is the setting and style of the story?

The setting of Two Little Soldiers is in a small forest near the village of Bezons, in the countryside outside of Paris. The story takes place during the time when the soldiers are on leave, on their Sundays off, and follows their weekly outings to this location. The style of the story is descriptive and introspective, focusing on the thoughts and feelings of the two soldiers as they remember their home and try to find meaning and connection in their lives. The style is also melancholic, conveying the sense of loneliness and longing that the soldiers feel while they are away from home and isolated in their military life.

f. How would you describe the conflict between the friends?

In Two Little Soldiers, the conflict between the friends arises when Luc Le Ganidec becomes involved with a girl who has caught the attention of Jean Kerderen. This creates tension between the two friends as Jean becomes jealous and upset that Luc has lied to him about his involvement with the girl. The conflict comes to a head when Jean discovers the truth and feels betrayed by his friend, ultimately leading to his suicide as a result of his heartbreak and despair. The conflict in the story, therefore, centers on the betrayal of trust and the difficulty of maintaining close relationships in a harsh and isolating environment.

Reference beyond the context

a. Is it good to have conflict between friendship and love? Is it morally good that a person and his best friend can love the same person?

As a general rule, it is not good to have conflict between friendship and love. While it is possible for friends to have different romantic interests and to support each other in their relationships, it can be difficult and emotionally challenging when two friends both have feelings for the same person. This type of conflict can put strain on the friendship and may lead to hurt feelings and misunderstandings. It is generally considered more ethical and respectful for individuals to be honest with their friends and loved ones about their feelings, rather than hiding or lying about them. In cases where two friends both have feelings for the same person, it may be necessary for them to have open and honest conversations about their feelings and to consider the needs and feelings of all parties involved. Ultimately, it is important for individuals to respect the boundaries and desires of others and to be mindful of the potential consequences of their actions on the well-being of others. So, it is not morally good that a person and his best friend can love the same person.

b. How would you describe the triangular love?

A triangular love is a romantic relationship dynamic involving three people, where one person is romantically interested in or involved with both of the other two people. This can create a complex and potentially challenging situation, as the three individuals may have conflicting feelings and desires and may struggle to navigate their relationships with one another. In some cases, the triangle may involve one person who is in a committed relationship with one of the others, while the third person is attracted to both of the others. This can lead to feelings of jealousy, resentment, and hurt if one person's feelings are not reciprocated by the other two. It is important for the individuals involved in a triangular love to communicate openly and honestly with each other and to consider the needs and feelings of all parties involved. It is also essential to respect the boundaries and desires of others, and to be mindful of the potential consequences of one's actions on the feelings and well-being of others.