Sharing Tradition


In the essay "Sharing Tradition," Frank LaPena discusses the importance of the oral tradition in maintaining the values and culture of a community. He emphasizes the role of elders in preserving and passing down the oral tradition, and he discusses the challenges of maintaining the oral tradition in modern society. LaPena notes that each generation is faced with new technologies that can replace the old, and that this can impact the ability to maintain traditions. He also discusses the impact of growing populations on the natural world and the importance of preserving the natural world as part of the oral tradition. Additionally, LaPena discusses the difficulties of maintaining traditions in a world that is constantly changing and facing new stresses and worries, and he notes the impact of modern education and research on the accuracy of oral tradition. LaPena presents a strong argument for the importance of the oral tradition and the need to preserve it in order to maintain the unique identity and culture of a community.

Understanding the text

Answer the following questions.

a. According to LaPena, what is the importance of the oral tradition? To what extent do you agree with his opinions and why?

According to LaPena, the oral tradition is important because it helps to maintain the values and culture of a community. It is also an art form and a way of transmitting knowledge and understanding of the natural world from one person to another. I agree with LaPena's opinions on the importance of the oral tradition because it helps to preserve the unique characteristics and history of a community, and it can serve as a source of guidance and wisdom for future generations.

b. Who preserve and pass on the oral tradition?

The oral tradition is preserved and passed on by elders in a community, who have gained knowledge and experience through their long lives and have taken on special responsibilities in their community.

c. What is the danger of not passing on information from generation to generation?

The danger of not passing on information from generation to generation is that important knowledge and traditions may be lost, which can have negative impacts on the values and culture of the community. It can also lead to a lack of understanding and appreciation of the natural world and the history of the community.

d. What is the difference between oral tradition and literary tradition?

The difference between oral tradition and literary tradition is that oral tradition is passed down through spoken word and personal interactions, while literary tradition is written down and preserved in books and other written documents.

e. How does LaPena establish a relationship between art and the oral tradition?

LaPena establishes a relationship between art and the oral tradition by stating that oral tradition is itself an art form, as it involves the transmission of information and knowledge through the use of language and storytelling.

Reference to the context

a. LaPena states that the oral tradition helps maintain the values of a culture. If you believe that the oral tradition is important, how would you maintain it?

I believe that the oral tradition is important. There are several ways in which the oral tradition can be maintained:

  1. Encourage the sharing of stories and traditions among family members and within the community. This can be done through regular gatherings, such as dinner parties or community events, where people can share stories and traditions with one another.
  2. Record and document oral traditions. This can be done through audio or video recordings, or through written transcriptions. These recordings and documents can then be shared with others and used to help preserve the oral tradition for future generations.
  3. Support and recognize the role of elders in the community as the keepers and transmitters of the oral tradition. This can involve providing resources and support for elders to continue sharing their knowledge and traditions, as well as recognizing their importance in the community.
  4. Educate others about the importance of the oral tradition and its role in preserving culture and values. This can involve incorporating the oral tradition into school curricula or hosting public events or talks on the topic.
  5. Work to preserve the natural world, as part of the oral tradition is tied to a connection with the natural world. This can involve supporting environmental conservation efforts and working to preserve natural resources.

In conclusion, the oral tradition is an important aspect of a community's culture and history. It helps to preserve the values and traditions of a community and serves as a source of guidance and wisdom for future generations. Maintaining the oral tradition can help to preserve the unique identity and culture of a community, and ensure that important knowledge and traditions are not lost.

b. “Not everyone is capable of fulfilling the roles of the elders.” Explain this statement with reference to the essay.

In the essay "Sharing Tradition," Frank LaPena discusses the importance of the oral tradition in maintaining the values and culture of a community. He notes that the oral tradition is passed down by elders in the community, who have gained knowledge and experience through their long lives and have taken on special responsibilities in their community. LaPena states that "not everyone is capable of fulfilling the roles of the elders." This means that not everyone has the knowledge, experience, or responsibilities required to take on the role of an elder in the community and preserve and transmit the oral tradition.

Elders in a community often have a deep understanding of the culture, traditions, and values of the community, and they may also have specific responsibilities related to religious ceremonies, dance, or other community activities. It may take years of experience, learning, and dedication to gain the knowledge and skills needed to fulfill these roles. Therefore, not everyone may be capable of taking on these responsibilities and preserving the oral tradition.

This statement highlights the importance of recognizing and supporting the role of elders in the community as the keepers and transmitters of the oral tradition. It also emphasizes the need for younger members of the community to listen, remember, and ask questions of the elders, in order to learn as much as possible about their culture and traditions. This can help to ensure that the oral tradition is passed down from generation to generation, preserving the values and culture of the community.

c. What is the controlling idea or thesis of this essay?

The controlling idea or thesis of the essay "Sharing Tradition" by Frank LaPena is that the oral tradition is an important aspect of a community's culture and history, and it is vital to preserve it in order to maintain the values and traditions of the community. LaPena discusses the importance of the oral tradition as a way of transmitting knowledge and understanding of the natural world from one person to another, and he emphasizes the role of elders in preserving and passing down the oral tradition. He also discusses the challenges of maintaining the oral tradition in modern society, and the importance of recognizing and supporting the role of elders in the community. Through his discussion, LaPena presents a strong argument for the importance of the oral tradition and the need to preserve it in order to maintain the unique identity and culture of a community.

d. How do topic sentences guide the reader through the essay? What would be lost without them?

Topic sentences are sentences that introduce the main idea or topic of a paragraph. They guide the reader through the essay by providing a clear focus for each paragraph and helping to organize the content of the essay. Without topic sentences, the essay would be more difficult to follow, as the reader would have to try to piece together the main ideas of the essay from the individual sentences within each paragraph.

Topic sentences help to create coherence within each paragraph, as they connect the content of the paragraph to the overall theme or argument of the essay. They also help to signal to the reader the direction that the paragraph will take and the specific points that the writer will be addressing.

In the essay "Sharing Tradition," the topic sentences help to guide the reader through the various points that LaPena is making about the importance of the oral tradition and the challenges of preserving it in modern society. Without topic sentences, the essay would be more difficult to follow, as the reader would have to try to infer the main ideas and arguments from the individual sentences within each paragraph. Additionally, the coherence of the essay as a whole would be lost, as the paragraphs would not be connected in a logical and coherent manner.

e. What are the four major problems developed by LaPena with regard to maintaining the oral tradition. How are they used to structure the essay?

In the essay "Sharing Tradition," Frank LaPena discusses several major problems related to maintaining the oral tradition. These problems are used to structure the essay, as they are addressed in different sections of the essay and help to build the overall argument for the importance of preserving the oral tradition. The four major problems that LaPena develops with regard to maintaining the oral tradition are:

  1. The passing on of knowledge and responsibilities from elders to younger members of the community: LaPena discusses the importance of elders in preserving the oral tradition and the challenges that can arise when they pass away, and their knowledge and responsibilities must be assumed by others.
  2. The separation between generations and the impact of new technologies: LaPena notes that each generation is faced with new technologies that can replace the old, and that this can impact the ability to maintain traditions. He also discusses the impact of growing populations on the natural world and the importance of preserving the natural world as part of the oral tradition.
  3. The difficulties of maintaining traditions in modern society: LaPena discusses the challenges of maintaining traditions in a world that is constantly changing and facing new stresses and worries. He notes that it can be difficult to live with all the stress and change that modern technology imposes on people, and that it can be hard to maintain traditions in such circumstances.
  4. The impact of modern education and research on the accuracy of oral tradition: LaPena discusses the way in which modern education and research can impact the accuracy of oral tradition, and the importance of preserving the true stories and traditions of a community.

These four major problems are used to structure the essay, as they are addressed in different sections of the essay and help to build the overall argument for the importance of preserving the oral tradition.

Reference beyond the text

Write a paragraph or two explaining your attitude toward the oral tradition of passing along information.

I believe that the oral tradition of passing along information is an important aspect of preserving and maintaining the culture, values, and history of a community. I value the opportunity to learn from the experiences and wisdom of others, and I appreciate the personal and intimate nature of the oral tradition, which allows for the sharing of knowledge and understanding in a person-to-person setting. I also see the oral tradition as a way to preserve the unique stories and traditions of a community, which can be lost or distorted when written down or recorded. Overall, I believe that the oral tradition is a valuable way of transmitting knowledge and understanding from one generation to the next, and I think it is important to support and recognize the role of elders in preserving and passing down the oral tradition.

Our culture is our identity. Write a few paragraphs explaining how you intend to preserve your culture, values and norms.

I believe that our culture is an important aspect of our identity, and it is important to preserve and maintain the values, traditions, and norms of our culture. There are several ways in which I intend to preserve my culture:

  1. I plan to learn about and understand the history and traditions of my culture. This includes researching my cultural heritage and seeking out opportunities to learn from elders and other knowledgeable members of my community.
  2. I plan to pass on the traditions and values of my culture to future generations. This includes sharing stories and traditions with family members and teaching them about the importance of our culture.
  3. I plan to participate in cultural events and activities that help to preserve and celebrate my culture. This could include attending festivals, attending cultural events, or participating in traditional activities such as dancing or cooking.
  4. I plan to support organizations or initiatives that work to preserve and promote my culture. This could involve supporting cultural centers or museums or participating in community service projects that are focused on preserving cultural traditions.

Overall, I believe that it is important to recognize and value the unique characteristics and traditions of our culture, and to work to preserve and maintain these traditions for future generations.