According to Josh Lanyon, “If there was one life skill everyone on the planet needed, it was the ability to think with critical objectivity.”

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English - Class 12bikram asked a year ago

1 Answer

Josh Lanyon's statement highlights the importance of critical thinking as a life skill. Critical thinking involves the ability to analyze information, identify biases, evaluate evidence, and make logical and rational decisions. It is an essential tool for making sense of the complex and ever-changing world around us, and it enables us to navigate the constant influx of information that we encounter daily.

When individuals have the ability to think with critical objectivity, they are able to make well-informed decisions, and are less likely to fall prey to manipulation or misinformation. It also allows people to form their own opinions and thoughts based on facts and logical arguments, rather than basing them on emotions or preconceived notions.

Furthermore, critical thinking is especially important in today's world where access to information is easier than ever before and people are bombarded with information from various sources, some of them can be misinformation or bias, so critical thinking enables us to evaluate the credibility and reliability of the sources and to determine the accuracy of the information.

In short, critical thinking is a vital life skill that allows individuals to make sense of the world around them, to make informed decisions and to navigate the complexities of life. This is why the ability to think with critical objectivity is an essential life skill for everyone on the planet.

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